Page:American Journal of Sociology Volume 5.djvu/860

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The Tenichef Prize. — Prince \V. T^nichef has founded a prize of five thousand francs, to be awarded, after competition, to the author or authors who shall write most successfully upon the following subject : Interferences with the Social Order (Les atteintes a I'ordre social). The program suggested to competitors is the following :

To study conflicts in violent form which amount to assaults upon the material order in societies.

To determine by comparison of these interferences whether there are general causes and habitual processes which give an explanation of the birth and development of these conflicts.

To trace how these conflicts work out, and to determine whether comparative study of them yields general indications which would assist statesmen to foresee, to limit, and peacefully to settle them.

Under the head "violent social conflicts" the following are particularly included :

Disorders or collective brigandage provoked by misery or by long loss of work, disorderly strikes, the misfortunes following wars, famines, epidemics, etc.

Civil wars, struggles of races, of religions, or of sects within the same state ; revolts of subjugated populations.

Attacks upon the person of heads of states and of political personages, anarchical acts in so far as they are symptoms of a disturbed social order.

Insurrections, revolutions, and coups d'etat.

The e.'camples should be drawn from the history of the last four centuries and from the civilized countries of Europe and America.

The judges of the competition have been selected by the founder of the prize from the members and associates of the Institut International de Sociologie. They are : M. Ch. Letourneau, professor of sociology in the Ecole d' Anthropologic, president ; M. G. Tarde. professor of sociology in the Ecole des Sciences politiques and in the Collige des Sciences sociales ; M. Ren^ Worms, agr^g^ des Facult^s de Droit, directeur de la Revue internationale de sociologie : M. Ad. Coste, ancien president de la Societe de Statistique de Paris : M. H. Monin, professeur d'histoire a I'HStel-de-Ville de Paris.

The competition is open to all, without distinction of nationality, the members of the jury alone excepted.

The monographs entered in competition must be written in the French language.

The writers must not make themselves known. The monographs must not con- tain their names. Each monograph shall have upon its first page two devices; there shall be attached a sealed envelope bearing on the outside the same two devices, and containing the name and address of the author. The jury, after pronouncing judg- ment, will open only those envelopes which bear the devices of the monographs deemed worthy of a prize.

The monographs should be sent to the following addresses :

M. le President dti jury dii concours Tenichef, chez MM. Giard et Briire, libraires- iditeurs a Paris, rue Soufflot, i6.

They should reach this address at the latest December 31, 1902.

The jury will decide in the course of the year 1903. It will determine, according to the value of the works submitted, whether to award a single prize or several, or one or more rewards, or none at all, or to reopen the question to competition, etc.

Competitors are urged, in their own interest, to write as plainly as possible, and only upon one side of the sheet.

In case the authors of monographs that receive a prize or reward shall not have published their work within a year from the time of the award, the Institut Inter- national de Sociologie shall be entitled to gratuitous publication of the same in its Annates. The manuscripts will be returned by the jury to the Institut. Authors may retain copies.