Page:American Medical Biographies - Kelly, Burrage.djvu/1182

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TREVETT 1160 TRIPLER (he Board of School Commissioners of Hali- fax, being chairman the last year of his term. In 1881 Dr. Trenaman was elected county phy- sician, and in 1883 was chosen by the city council, city medical officer. He was attend- ing physician to the Victoria General Hospital, visiting physician to the Poor's Asylum, and also to the city prison, as well as being police surgeon and surgeon to the fire department. In June, 1881, he was elected president of the associated alumni of King's College, Windsor; in 1883 he was selected by the Dominion gov- ernment statistical officer for the registration of mortuary statistics in the city of Halifax. Dr. Trenaman traveled extensively through the United States and Canada. In 1871 he married Harriett Helen Robinson of Windsor, N. S. He died April 27, 1914. A Cyclop, of Canadian Biog. Geo. Maclean Rose, Toronto, 1888, vol. ii. p. 554-5. Polk's Med. Direc, Halifax. Can. Med. Assoc. Jour. vol. iv, p. 643. Trevett, Samuel Russell (1783-1822). Samuel Russell Trevett, surgeon of the United States Navy, was educated at Har- vard University, and graduated A. B. in 1804, receiving an M. B. in 1807 and an M. D. in 1811 from the same university. He studied medicine under Dr. Holyoke (q. v.) of Salem, and Dr. John Warren (q. v.), and entered the United States Navy as surgeon's mate. He had a great liking for this service, his heart and soul be- longed to it. "His imagination," says Thacher, "was prolific in calling up the brightest visions of the future glories of the American Navy." He served on the Constitution during the last year of the War of Independence. During the War of 1812 he was on duty on the same ship and later on the President. At the close of this war he was appointed surgeon of the Charleston Navy Yard, and in 1822 was or- dered as surgeon on the sloop of war Pea- cock, but was seized with yellow fever and died at Norfolk, Virginia, November 4, 1822. Trevett was a most able, conscientious and amiable gentleman, an euthusiastic servant to his country and a model of an American naval officer. Albei«t Allemann. Tliaclier, Amer. Med. Biog., Boston, 1828. Trimble, James ( 1818-1885). He was born in Tyrone, Ireland, in 1818, but little is known of his early life and antecedents except that he studied medicine, and, having obtained his M. D., entered the British Navy as a surgeon, then resigned his commission and settled in California in 1849— the year of the great gold rush. He practised very success- fully in the Golden State until 1858, when he moved to Victoria, then the capital of the Crown Colony of Vancouver Island. No doubt he was induced to take this step by reason of the rich discoveries of gold in the bars of the Eraser River. At this time thousands of miners and adventurers were flocking to Vic- toria from California, on their way to the new gold fields. He succeeded in the new colony and soon became well known and popular. For two years he was Mayor of Victoria, and when the Crown Colony of British Columbia entered the Dominion of Canada he again entered the political arena, 1874. Greatly respected and trusted by his fellow members, he was unani- mously elected Speaker of the first provincial Parliament after Confederation, presiding over the debates with dignity and impartiality. He achieved an enviable reputation as a successful practitioner, and for many years was one of the leading members of the profession. Many of the men and women now eminent in British Columbia were ushered into this world by the kindly and learned physician who did so much to uphold the honor of the profession in these early days in Vancouver. He was a fine example of the pioneer physi- cian and surgeon. It should be remembered, that in his day there were none of those medi- cal conveniences which now abound in the Province of British Columbia. In common with all other pioneer medical men he had to depend entirely upon his own exertions, and that he was eminently successful speaks vol- umes for his resourcefulness. Dr. Trimble died on New Year's Day, 1885, afler a short illness, from gangrene, compli- cated by heart disease. Oswald M. Jones, Tripler, Charles Stuart (1806-1866). Charles Stuart Tripler, army surgeon, was born in New York in 1806, and graduated M. D. at the College of Physicians and Sur- geons. New York City, in 1827. He at once en- tered the army as assistant surgeon, but July 2, the same year, was made full surgeon. During the first years of his practice he was situated at various posts about and within Michigan. In the Mexican War he was medical director of | General Twiggs' Division. After the war he was on duty at various posts throughout the West. In 1861 Dr. Tripler was first appointed medical director of General Patterson's Army in the Shenandoah Valley. Upon General Mc- Clellan's assuming chief command, he was made general director of the .rmy of the