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had been employed as a lawyer by the owner of the vessel, a Scotch merchant. This gentleman proceeded to harangue them in the interest of his client, and was making some impression, when Warfield interrupted him, upbraiding him for inconsistency, for he had previously inflamed the whole country with patriotic speeches, and declaring it submission or cowardice in any member of the club to stop short of their object. As the party marched on, they met Stewart who put on a hold front and threatened them with the vengeance of his king and government. They erected a gallows in front of his house and gave him his choice, either to swing by the halter or go with them on board and set fire to the vessel. He chose the latter and the doctor accompanied him with a chunk of fire. In a few moments the whole cargo and vessel were in flames, and were soon entirely destroyed.

In 1812 he was president of the College of Medicine of Maryland at Baltimore (University of Maryland), a position which he held till his death, which occurred at his place "Bushy Park," on January 29, 1813. At the meeting held in June following a committee of five members of the state faculty was appointed to prepare a testimonial to his life.

Dr. Warfield was a founder of the Medical and Chirurgical Faculty of Maryland in 1799 and from 1803 to 1813 was also on its Board of State Examiners. He had a wide reputation as a physician and an extensive practice and taught many medical students in his office. He married Miss Eliza Ridgely, a daughter of Maj. Henry Ridgely. He has left many descendants in Maryland. There is an oil portrait of him extant which has been reproduced with sketches in Cordell's "Medical Annals of Maryland," 1903, and Cordell's "History of the University of Maryland," 1907, vol. i; see also appendix to latter. The portrait represents a short person of perhaps forty-five with a full suit of gray hair, a full face and regular features and a most determined expression.

Warren, Edward (1828–1893)

Edward Warren, made Bey by the Firman of the Khedive, Ismail Pasha, is one of the most bizarre and picturesque figures in the annals of American medicine, having passed through the successive transformations of country doctor, professor, surgeon-general and chevalier of the Legion of Honor, as he journeyed from the swamps of Carolina and the shores of the Chesapeake to the Nile and the Seine, practising on three continents and received everywhere with acclaim.

Born in Tyrrell County, North Carolina, in 1828, descended from good old Virginia families, he was educated at the University of Virginia. In 1851 he received his M. D. from Jefferson Medical College and began to practise in Edenton, North Carolina. He went to Paris in 1854–55.

In 1856 he received the Fiske Fund prize for the essay, "The Influence of Pregnancy on the Development of Tuberculosis;" in 1861 he was editor of the Baltimore Journal of Medicine; from 1860–61, professor of materia medica, University of Maryland; in 1867 he reorganized Washington University Medical School, Baltimore, and was professor of surgery 1867– 71; in 1872 one of the founders of the College of Physicians and Surgeons, Baltimore, and professor there, 1872–73.

Governor Vance of North Carolina appointed him surgeon-general of the state and medical inspector of the Confederate States, 1861–65.

Warren was restless and given to travel. In 1873 he set sail for Liverpool and traversed Europe to arrive at Cairo in the service of Ismail Pasha as chief surgeon of the general staff. Here he made a reputation by his dependableness, decision of character and common sense methods, with an infusion of modern medicine; he was soon fortunate enough to save Kassim Pasha, the minister of war, abandoned by his regular atteendants and dying from a strangulated hernia; this stroke at once brought Warren repute and practice. Badly afflicted with ophthalmia, he escaped a ruse of his enemies to send him south into the hostile desert, and went for the hot season to Paris on a furlough, where the distinguished Landolt forbade his return to Egypt under penalty of total blindness of one eye.

Through Charcot he was made a "licentiate of the University of Paris" and practised there with signal success. As a reward for his skill in ferreting out a case of arsenical poisoning in a prominent Spanish lady, the King of Spain made him a "Knight of the Order of Isabella the Catholic."

Warren invented a splint for treatment of fracture of the clavicle, and "claimed the discovery of hypodermic medication."

He wrote "An Epitome of Practical Surgery for Field and Hospital," Richmond, 1863; "A Doctor's Experience in Three Continents" (1885), a series of letters addressed to Dr. John Morris, of Baltimore, full of charming personal and precious professional reminis-