Page:American Medical Biographies - Kelly, Burrage.djvu/186

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BUCKE 164 BUCKINGHAM He went to the United States, and in his desire to see the world accepted any chance that came, working on farms and on steam- boats, even as a deck hand, so long as he gained a new experience. He first drifted south, by way of the Mississippi River. In the spring of 1856 he crossed the western plains with a cattle train, acting in the capac- ity of cook to the party. At Salt Lake City he joined a small party setting out for Cali- fornia- — a hazardous undertaking for that time, particularly as the company had determined to walk the entire distance, although carrj'ing their supplies in wagons. The inevitable hap- pened, and in a desperate fight with Indians three of the little band were killed, the wa- gons and supplies were captured, and the sur- vivors were forced to attempt the remaining 300 miles without resources of any kind. A pitiful story it was, and of the IS who set out only four reached their destination, and these were almost starved when the journey was over. So great was their need of food at times that they were forced to feed on seeds and small frogs. When they reached the Humboldt River they were almost dead from thirst. Dr. Bucke next appeared in California, and during the winter of 1859-60 he was again the victim of tragic circumstances, being the sole survivor of a mining party. He was badly froz- en while in the mountains, and had it not been for his wonderful vitality and indomitable will he would never have reached a settlement or survived the long and terrible illness that fol- lowed his exposure. As the injuries received on this memorable trip across the mountains made walking difficult he returned to Canada via the Isthmus of Panama in 1860, and be- gan the study of medicine, graduating with high honors in McGill University, Montreal, in the spring of 1864, and winning a prize. After his graduation he spent 18 or 20 months in the London and Paris hospitals, and on his return went to California for eight months as a witness in a mine suit. He settled in Sarnia, Ont., where he prac- tised for ten years, when he was appointed medical superintendent of the Hamilton Asy- lum for the Insane, and after a year's service was transferred to the London Asylum, where he remained until his death, just 25 years later. On his return from California he married Miss M. Gurd, who survived him. Dr. Bucke was president of the American Medico-Psychological Association in 1898, and was regarded as one of the foremost men in medical circles in Canada. As an alienist he was eminent, and his name is associated with the names of such reform- ers as Joseph Workman (q.v.) and others. He accepted non-restraint as something better than a fad, and in his institution the non-restraint system was first adopted (1882), this lead be- ing promptly followed by Kingston and To- ronto. It marked the beginning of an era of better things for the insane of Ontario, and Dr. Bucke's energy was a stimulus to many of the juniors in the service. His views on the abuses of alcohol in the treatment of in- sanity, and his investigations in gj-necological surgery among the insane are well known. He believed that a large proportion of insane wo- men suffered from uterine and ovarian dis- eases which could be benefited by operation. The improved physical health resulting im- plied a better state of mentality. That this was good common sense all agree, the point at issue being the ability, or want of ability, on the part of the majority of specialists to decide which cases should be operated on. In person he was of striking appearance, of splendid physique and carrying the stamp of intellectual force in his face. He dressed much after the style of Walt Whitman, and would be marked in any assemblage as a man of originality. In daily life he was sim- ple, direct and honest and was a great lover of nature. The happiest days of each year were those spent at his summer retreat at Glouces- ter Pool in Muskoka. On Feb. 19, 1902, he died under extremely sad circumstances. About 11 o'clock on the previous evening, while apparently in the best ■of health, he went upon the verandah of his residence, as was his custom, for a short walk before retiring. His family heard him fall, and going to his assistance, found him un- conscious. He never rallied and died in a few hours. He was deeply mourned by a large circle of friends, who loved him for his sturdy honesty, his warm heart, his intellec- tual force, but most of all for his noble quali- ties as a man. Institutional Care of the Insane in the U. S. and Canada, Henry M. Hurd, 1917. Buckingham, Charles Edward (1821-1877) Charles E. Buckingham was born in Cam- bridge, Massachusetts, June 27, 1821, the son of an influential newspaper editor of the day. He graduated from Harvard College in the class of 1840 and from the Harvard Medical School in 1844. In college he developed a taste for chemistry and was employed as a student assistant to Prof. John White Web- ster (q.v.). Early after graduation he became