Page:American Medical Biographies - Kelly, Burrage.djvu/477

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of disseminating the doctrines of homeopathy.

It is thought he must have been an homeopathist about twelve years previous to leaving Copenhagen. After staying a while in Mount Desert. Maine, to help a brother, Neils B. Gram, who was in financial difficulties and eventually got nearly all Hans' money, he began practice in New York and a few months later translated Hahnemann's "Geist der homeopathischen Heil-lehre" and published it in a pamphlet of twenty-four pages under the title "The Character of Homeopathy." The work was dedicated to Dr. David Hosack and distributed in the leading medical colleges, but Gram had nearly forgotten English and the book was difficult to understand. Hosack said he had not read it. Fifteen years later it was put into good English by a Dr. Scott, of Glasgow, Scotland. Its cold reception was a great disappointment to Gram, but he lived to see the system firmly planted not only in New York but in many other cities. He failed in health just as this came to pass. Broken in heart by the misfortunes, insanity, and death of his only brother he was attacked by apoplexy in 1838 and after many months of suffering passed away in February, 1840. He was of the Swedenborgian faith and a man of scrupulously pure and charitable life.

The History of Homeopathy, T. L. Bradford, New York, 1905.
United States Med. and Surg. Jour., 1867, vol. v.
Amer. Jour. of Homeopathy, vol. xii.
New England Med. Gaz., 1871.
Trans. N. Y. State Hom. Med. Soc., vols. i and viii.

Gray, Asa (1810–1888)

The parents of this celebrated botanist were Moses and Roxana Gray, the father hailing from Londonderry, Ireland, and the mother from Kent, England.

Born in Paris, Oneida County, New York, on November 18, 1810, one of Asa's earliest occupations was to feed the bark mill and drive the horse at his father's tannery. He was a reader almost from childhood. Though he graduated M. D. at the College of Medicine and Surgery, Fairfield, New York, in 1831, he never practised medicine. Two years before this his interest in botany was roused by an article in "Brewster's Edinburgh Encyclopedia" and he watched eagerly for the first spring flower which he found to be the little Claytonia Virginica, named after Dr. John Clayton (q. v.), the botanist. The correspondence he had with Dr. Lewis C. Beck (q. v.) in regard to specimens led to a lasting friendship with Dr. John Torrey (q. v.), and in 1833 he became his assistant professor of chemistry and botany in the New York College of Physicians and Surgeons and issued the first century of the "North American Gramineæ and Cyperaceæ." A second century followed but the work was never finished.

Gray's next post was the curatorship of the New York Lyceum of Natural History and his "Elements of Botany," 1836, prepared the way for his larger work, the "Botanical Text-Book." He declined two valuable appointments and continued working with Dr. Torrey on parts one and two of the "Flora of North America." Then followed visits to all the leading European botanists and after that a single-handed grappling for a time with the other numbers.

In 1842 he accepted an invitation from President Quincy to become Fisher Professor of Natural History at Harvard and under him grew the vast herbarium, library and garden which at the time of his going to Cambridge were still in their infancy. The library contains over 8,000 books and pamphlets.

Always at work, 1848 saw the "Americas Boreali-Orientalis Illustrata," beautifully illustrated by Isaac Sprague. The two volumes had 186 plates, but unfortunately the work was not continued.

Perhaps the memory of his own pleasures and difficulties with botany when a boy made him write two charming little books—"How Plants Grow," 1858, and "How Plants Behave," 1872. "Field, Forest and Garden," 1868, proved a wonderful help to plant lovers. "His First Lesson in Botany," 1857, reappeared, revised, in 1887 under "Elements of Botany," the two volumes being the alpha and omega of an overcrowded but fiery burning life. How much he did in the way of collecting and writing can only be estimated by those who knew how he kept in constant correspondence with old pupils and scientific friends. Those who are curious relative to the friendship between Gray and Darwin will find it all in "Darwiniana," 1876, and will note that Gray, while accepting Darwin's theory, was a firm theist.

He wrote many biographical sketches, among them being lives of Jacob Bigelow, John Torrey and Jeffries Wyman. For many years he was one of the editors of the American Journal of Science.

Gray was relieved from active duties in the college in 1872 and gave more time to literary work. When he was seventy-five the botanists of North America gave him a silver vase and a silver salver in token of their universal esteem.