Page:American Medical Biographies - Kelly, Burrage.djvu/598

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In 1839 he wrote an "Essay on Odontalgia"; in 1844 on Hare-Lip and its Treatment; 1845 "An Essay on the Cleft-Palate and its Treatment; 1846 "An Essay on Abscess of the Jaws and Treatment"; 1849 "Distortion of the Face and Neck, Caused by Burn, Successfully Treated."

He declared that "The dentist must carry upward the standard of his profession and plant it upon the broad platform of medical science."

"Hullihen's operation" consisted in the treatment of a nerve cavity exposed by decay by "perforating the fang through the gum and alveolar process into the nerve before packing the metal." He died in 1857 from pneumonia.

Nor. Amer. Med. Chir. Rev., 1858, vol. ii, 199–205.

Hun, Edward Reynolds (1842–1880).

Edward Reynolds Hun, eldest son of Dr. Thomas Hun (q. v.), was born in Albany, New York, on April 17, 1842, and graduated from Harvard College in the class of 1863, receiving his professional diploma from the College of Physicians and Surgeons in New York City, 1866. After several months of study he went into private practice in Albany, and not long afterwards accepted the position of special pathologist of the New York State Lunatic Asylum at Utica. His experience there led to his publishing a translation of Bouchard's tract on "Secondary Degenerations of the Spinal Cord," which appeared in the American Journal of Insanity for January and April, 1896; a paper on the "Pulse of the Insane," in the same journal for January, 1870; a paper on "Hematoma Auris," in the number for July, 1870; and one on "Labio-glosso-laryngeal Paralysis," in the issue for October, 1871. He also presented to the Medical Society of the State of New York, at its annual meeting in 1869, a complete, valuable, and well illustrated paper on "Trichina Spiralis."

The large amount of work he did in connection with St. Peter's, the Albany and the Child's Hospitals, the Orphan Asylums and the like, together with his ever-increasing private practice, compelled him to relinquish his connection with the Asylum at Utica. On the reorganization of the faculty of the Albany Medical College, in 1876, he accepted the chair of diseases of the nervous system, which he filled up to the time of his death.

Dr. Hun was an indefatigable worker, never sparing himself night or day in the care of the sick, and the annals of the Albany County Medical Society, together with the papers before mentioned, bear ample evidence of the interest he took in the literary and scientific departments of his profession. He was a member of the New York Neurological Society, and of the Medical Society of the State of New York.

In 1874 he married the daughter of John B. Gale, of Troy. His widow with four children survived him.

In 1876 he was thrown from his carriage, while returning from a professional call in the country, receiving injuries to his head and chest. He was unconscious for several hours, but his convalescence was fairly rapid and apparently complete. After a time, however, his general health began to fail; obscure and ill-defined trouble with his brain followed; and in 1879 he was compelled, temporarily as it was hoped, to give up his practice. In spite of every care there was not the permanent improvement which his friends had hoped, and death came to him quite suddenly in Stamford, Connecticut, March 14, 1880, in the thirty-eighth year of his age.

Albany Med. Amer., 1882, vol. iii.
Trans. Med. Soc., New York, Syracuse, 1881, S. B. Ward.

Hun, Thomas (1808–1896).

Thomas Hun was born in Albany, New York, on September 14, 1808, the only son of Abraham and Maria Gansevoort, his father being a direct descendant of Harmen Thomas Hun who came from Holland to Albany, then known as Beverwyck, early in the seventeenth century. His ancestry was Dutch, on both his father's and mother's side, running back in the history of Albany for two hundred years. The family has been traced to Thomas Hun, the first known ancestor, who is believed to have resided at Amersfoort in Holland.

Dr. Hun's education began in the Albany Academy, and he entered the junior class of Union College and graduated with honor in 1826. He began his medical studies with Dr. Platt Williams, and in 1827 entered the University of Pennsylvania and received his degree of medicine in 1830. On the outbreak of cholera early in the summer of 1832, the first appearance of this disease in Albany, a cholera hospital was organized and Dr. Hun served as one of the attending physicians. He continued in this position until the disappearance of the cholera and the closing of the hospital in the autumn of that year. From 1833 to 1839 he studied medicine in Europe,