Page:American Medical Biographies - Kelly, Burrage.djvu/671

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KEDZIE 649 KELLOGG of the Broad and Cherry Streets Hospital, which was opened after the Battle of Gettys- burg. He was also attending physician at St. Joseph's Orphan Asylum and St. Joseph's Hos- pital ; of the latter he was one of the founders in 1844. He was a member of various medical so- cieties, including the American Philosophical Society, and the Academy of Natural Sciences. At the time of his death he was Medical Di- rector of St. Agnes' and St. Joseph's hospitals. On April 18, 1894, while delivering one of a course of lectures to the student nurses, an organization he had originated at St. Joseph's Hospital, he was seized with cardiac oppres- sion and died almost immediate!)'. This occurred on the fiftieth anniversary of his appointment to the staff of the institution. He married in 1851 Susan, daughter of Rene La Roche, M. D. (q. v.), of Phila- delphia, the eminent authority on Yellow Fever. His eldest son was John M. Keating, M. D. (q. v.), of Philadelphia. Percy Keating. Kedzie, Robert Clark (1823-1902) Robert Clark Kedzie was born at Delhi, New York, January 28, 1823. His parents were of Scottish descent and when he was a small boy moved to three hundred acres of virgin forest west of Monroe, Michigan. In 1841, with a borrowed capital of twenty-five dollars, he entered Oberlin College, and on gradu- ating, in 1845, taught in Rochester (Mich.) Academy for two years. In 1851 he graduated in the first class of the medical department of Michigan University and settled in Vermont- ville, Michigan, until he enlisted for the war. In 1861 he entered the army as surgeon of the Twelfth Regiment of Michigan Volunteers. After the battle of Shiloh he was taken pris- oner while caring for his wounded, and on release was so ill that he returned home. On his recovery he accepted the chair of chemistry in the Agricultural College at Lan- sing and in 1863 moved his family there. He was president of the Michigan State Medical Society in 1874; professor of chemistry, Mich- igan Agricultural College, 1867. Dr. Kedzie was a large man physically, mentally and mor- ally; large head, high brow, firm chin, prom- inent nose, blue penetrating eyes, quick in movement and speech, his countenance kindly and his expression winning. When he began his work at Lansing there was a widespread belief that the waters in flowing wells lined with iron tubing were magnetic and their exploitation for gain was common. Dr. Kedzie made an exhaustive study of the phenomena and showed that they were due to the earth's mag- netism collected on the metal tubing and not in the water. Magnetic wells for medicinal purposes van- ished, to be heard of no more. He demon- strated that the destruction of lives and prop- erty due to explosions of kerosene oil arose from improper methods of detecting explosive grades of oil. He showed the Legislature the proper methods and induced them to pass a law enforcing their adoption, and destruction of life and property ceased. He also con- ducted the studies which proved that sugar beets would grow profitably in Michigan, thus opening the way for a business of many mil- lions yearly. By sanitary conventions under the direction of the Michigan State Board of Health, he induced every community by its leading citizens to study its own sanitary con- ditions. Later he promoted farmers institutes, now numbering several hundreds, by which chemical science was applied to little commun- ities of farmers, so helping them to larger prosperity, and some thirty-two valuable papers on "Municipal Health" testify to his keen oversight of the public good. ■ In 1850 Dr. R. C. Kedzie married Harriet Fairchild of Ohio, A son, Frank Kedzie, suc- ceeded his father in the chair of chemistry at the Michigan Agricultural College; the father died November 7, 1902, from apoplexy, at Lansing, Michigan. His valuable papers, chiefly state reports, included: "Magnetic Conditions of Mineral Wells," Detroit Rcviciv of Medicine and Pharmacy, vol. vi; "Poisonous Paper," Report of Michi- gan State Board of Health, 1873; "Meteo- rology of Central Michigan," Transactions of Michigan State Board of Health, 1874; "Use of Poisons in Agriculture," Ibid., 1875; "Yellow Fever at Memphis," Ibid., 1880; "Re- lations of Soil Water to Health." Transac- tions of Pontiac Sanitary Convention, 1883. Leartus Connor. Representative Men in Mich., Cincin., O., vol. vi. Kellogg, Albert (1813-1887) Albert Kellogg, botanist, was born December 6, 1813, in New Hartford, Connecticut, and died at the home of his friend, W. G. W. Har- ford, in Alameda, California, March 31, 1887. He began the study of medicine with a phy- sician at Middletown, Connecticut, but hi.? health failed, and threatened pulmonary dis- ease compelled him to resume the out-door life of the farm, where he had spent his boyhood days ; and later, the same condition drove him