Page:American Medical Biographies - Kelly, Burrage.djvu/686

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thalmological Society, president of the Otological Society, and vice-president of the American Medical Association. He was a member of the Heidelberg Ophthalmological Congress.

According to Peter Callan, of New York, "He was the first to recognize the frequent connection between optic neuritis and otitic thrombosis of the lateral sinus" and "he was the first to report in America a case of cysticercus in the ocular conjunctiva." According to Dr. Harry V. Wurdemann, "One of Dr. Kipp's notable achievements in science was his discovery of a form of eye disease caused by malaria, to which he was the first to call attention in the early nineties."

Dr. Kipp was a frequent contributor to periodical literature, and also to the medical encyclopedias. Perhaps his most important writing is the section on Diseases of the Ear in the International Handbook of Surgery.

He died of pneumonia at Newark, January 13, 1911.

Phys. & Surgs. of the U. S., W. B. Atkinson, 1878, pp. 350–351.
Biog. of Emin Amer. Phys. & Surgs., R. F. Stone, 1894, p. 648.
Trans. Amer. Oph. Soc., 1911, vol. xii, pt. iii, pp. 700–701.
Ophthalmology, July, 1911, p. 731.
Amer. Jour. of Oph., 1911, vol. xxviii, p. 60.

Kirkbride, Thomas Story (1809–1883)

Thomas Story Kirkbride was born July 31, 1809, near Morrisville, Bucks County, Pennsylvania. He was a descendant of Joseph Kirkbride, of the parish of Kirkbride, County of Cumberland, England, a member of the Society of Friends, who came to this country with William Penn. Dr. Kirkbride received his educacation at Trenton, New Jersey, under the Rev. Jared D. Tyler, and afterwards took a course of higher mathematics at Burlington with Professor John Gummere. In 1828, at 19 years of age, he began the study of medicine, with Dr. Nicholas Belleville of Trenton, as his preceptor, and attended three full courses of lectures in the medical department of the University of Pennsylvania, and graduated with honors in March, 1832.

In April of the same year he was appointed resident physician to the Friends' Asylum for the Insane at Frankford, Philadelphia, and in March, 1833, he was elected resident physician to the Pennsylvania Hospital, where he remained two years and had charge of the "west wing" devoted to the treatment of the insane. He left the hospital in 1835 and settled in Philadelphia in the general practice of medicine, in which he was highly successful, obtaining a recognized reputation in the treatment of insanity. He was also physician to numerous charitable institutions, including the House of Refuge, the Magdalen Hospital and the Institution for the Blind.

At this time the Pennsylvania Hospital erected a new building on Haverford Road and 42nd Street, to be especially devoted to the care and treatment of the insane. It was completed January 1, 1841. In October of 1840 he was elected physician-in-chief and superintendent of this new institution, called "The Pennsylvania Hospital for the Insane," and remained in that position until his death.

He was one of the organizers of the Association of Medical Superintendents of American Institutions for the Insane at Philadelphia, in October, 1844, its first secretary and treasurer, and subsequently president of the association for eight years. He was conservative, of strong common sense, and his opinions justly carried great weight.

In 1844 he published a work entitled "Rules for the Government of those Employed in the Care of the Insane."

The July and October numbers of the Journal of Insanity for 1854 contained two articles by Dr. Kirkbride on "The Construction, Organization and General Arrangements of Hospitals for the Insane," subsequently, in 1856, issued as a special work, which has become a standard authority. He was a contributor to The American Journal of Insanity, and to the American Journal of the Medical Sciences.

Dr. Kirkbride was elected a fellow of the Philadelphia College of Physicians in 1839, and was a member of the State Medical Society of Pennsylvania and of the County Medical Society of Philadelphia; also a member of the American Philosophical Society, and an honorary member of the British Medico-Psychological Association.

Dr. Kirkbride was of medium height, with a fine physique, a well-shaped head, and a countenance expressive of benevolence and warmth of heart. His voice was gentle, and his presence and demeanor were such as to win at once the confidence of his most wayward patients.

He died December 16, 1883.

Institutional Care of the Insane in the U. S. and Canada, Henry M. Hurd, 1917.
Dr. Thomas Story Kirkbride, An Address by John B. Chapin, M.D.
Amer. Jour. Insan., 1898–9, vol. lv, 119–127. Portrait.

Kirkpatrick, Robert Charles (1863–1897)

Robert Charles Kirtpatrick at the time of his death was only thirty-four years old. He was surgeon to the Montreal General Hospital,