Page:American Medical Biographies - Kelly, Burrage.djvu/700

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LANDIS 678 LANE pert electrician. For several years he kept the town clock wound up, and in constant re- pair, climbing the tall tower for that purpose. He was the leader of the village band, and a teacher of each instrument. He was the ori- ginator and took care of all the water works. Besides all this, he invented several surgical instruments, and among them an automatic vaccinator, which is still irt use in times of threatened epidemics. He was an ingenious man, and when he died from an apoplectic stroke, February 14, 1894, it seemed as if the whole village ceased to live or breathe. J.MES A. Spalding. Trans. Maine Med. Asso., 1894. Appleton's Cyclop. Anier. Biog., N. Y., 1887. Landis, John Howard (1860-1918) John Howard Landis, eminent in public health problems, was born in Millville, Ohio, October 10, 1860, son of Dr. Abraham H. Landis and Mary Kumler. His three brothers are : Charles Beary Landis, congressman, 1897-1909; Judge Kenesaw Mountain Landis; and Frederick Landis, congressman 1903-1907, and author of "The Glory of His Country," and other books. Dr. Landis graduated at the Logansport (In- diana) High School in 1879, then studied med- icine at the Medical College of Ohio, Cincin- nati, graduating in 1890. He became interne at the Cincinnati Hospital (1890-1891) ; he was professor of pathology at the Presbyterian and Laura Memorial Medical College (1892- 1895) ; memBer of the staff of St. Mary's Hos- pital (1907) ; professor of hygiene, Medical Department, University of Cincinnati (Ohio Miami Medical College), from 1908 until his death. In 1909 he was appointed a member of the Cincinnati Board of Health, and elected health officer in 1910. He was director of Visiting Nurse Association, Council of Social Agencies ; and member of the Commission on National Milk Standards. He was a member of the American Public Health Association and of the Society for the Study of Inebriety (British). In 1894 Dr. Landis married Daisy M. Gra- ham, of Cincinnati. He died at his home in Cincinnati on August 23, 1918, Jour. Amer. Med. Asso., 1918, vol. Ixxi, p. 764. Who','! Who in America, 1918-1919, vol. x. Lane, Levi Cooper (1833-1902) Of English Quaker stock, Levi Cooper Lane was born in Ohio, May 9, 1830. His early edu- cation was partly private, partly in Farmer'?; College and in Union College, Schenectady, New York, from the latter receiving an M. A., and in 1877 an LL. D. He graduated in 1851 from Jefferson Medi- cal College and in the same year was appointed interne in the New York State Hospital on Ward's Island where he remained four years. In 1855 he entered the navy, but four years later resigned and settled to practise in San Francisco with his uncle, Dr. Elias Samuel Cooper (q. v.), for whom Cooper Medical Col- lege was later named. Lane at once became identified, as professor of physiology, with the medical department of the University of the Pacific — the first medical school on the Pa- cific coast and of which Dr. Cooper was the leading spirit. In the following year Cooper died and this school was discontinued and Dr. Lane called as professor of anatomy to the newly organized Toland Medical College ; but in 1870, in association with its old members and some new blood he revived the original school which he entered as professor of sur- gery. In 1882 he built a fine college building, which he incorporated as Cooper Medical Col- lege. To this he added, in 1890, Lane Hall, and in 1894 Lane Hospital, the total gift ap- proximating half a million dollars — money earned by himself in his profession, as he ex- pressed it. Dr. Lane was a most indefatigable student. His impromptu thesis before the Navy Board was in Latin. German and French were to him familiar tongues and he knew also Greek, Spanish and Italian. For many years it was his custom to devote the early morning hours to reading, investigation and writing. Thus he wrote his scholarly work, the "Surgery of the Head and Neck." As a surgeon Dr. Lane, following Sir Astley Cooper, never operated on an important case without previously' performing the operation on the cadaver. In his knowledge of anatomy and surgery there was not his superior on the coast — probably not his equal. Not only was he skilful and resourceful but he possessed decided originality. He devised a number of new operations, notably vaginal hysterectomy, which he was the first to per- form in America and which he devised as an original procedure, not being aware that the operation had been performed a number of times in France in the early years of the cen- tury. He also originated an operation for craniectomy, for microcephalia and devised important changes in hare-lip operations. Notwithstanding Dr. Lane's active and en- ergetic life, his physique was far from robust. In early youth he had been asthmatic, and a resultant emphj'sema had rendered him liable to frequent attacks of bronchitis. He spent some months of the winter of 1882 in Guate-