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During the latter part of the Civil War he served as corps surgeon.

In 1849 he married Charlotte Augusta, daughter of Daniel Russell, of Portland, Connecticut. They had two sons who followed their father in the practice of medicine.

After forty years of teaching and practice Dr. Ayres retired and devoted himself to advancing the interests of the Long Island College Hospital and the Hoagland Laboratory to which he made large money gifts, as he did to Wesleyan University. He died January 18, 1892, at the age of sixty-nine.

Phys. & Surgs. of the U. S., W. B. Atkinson, 1878
Emin. Amer. Phys. & Surgs., R. F. Stone, 1894.

Ayres, Henry P. (1813–1887)

Henry P. Ayres, born in Morristown, New Jersey, was one of the pioneer physicians of Indiana, having settled in Fort Wayne in 1842, which was then a small but promising village. To practise medicine in a small town then meant arduous work for the doctor. There were no roads worth mentioning, and country clients had to be visited on horseback; the distances were often great and the mud deep when the weather was bad. His reputation for skill in obstetrical cases was quite extensive.

He came of old colonial stock. He was a descendent of the seventh generation of Capt. John Ayres of Massachusetts, who emigrated from England in 1635 and settled in Salisbury.

His mother, Comfort Day, also belonged to the Day family which settled in Newark, New Jersey, during colonial times. His father died when he was seven years old and his mother was left with a large family to care for.

He attended his first course of medical lectures in the University of Louisville, Kentucky, 1841–42, and afterwards settled in Fort Wayne, Indiana. In 1845 he went to New York, and in 1846 received the degree of M. D. from the University of New York.

He was one of the organizers of the Allen County Medical Society, also for many years an active member of the Indiana State Medical Society and its president in 1871. In 1860 he contributed an exhaustive article of 138 pages to the Journal of the American Medical Association on "The Education of Imbecile and Idiotic Children." He was an occasional contributor to the Medico-Chirurgical Review, published in Philadelphia by his friend and former teacher, Dr. S. D. Gross, as well as to other journals.

He married Eliza Kate Rowan in 1839 and had six children, three of whom died in childhood. He was very fond of children and had a winning way which made them reciprocate his affection.

Their oldest son, S. C. Ayres of Cincinnati, Ohio, became profesor of ophthalmology in the Medical College of Ohio. Dr. Ayres died in Fort Wayne, Indiana, December 25, 1887. For nearly twenty years before his death he had suffered from paralysis agitans, involving first the left side, and a few years later the right.

Personal communication to the writer.

Bache, Franklin (1792-1864)

With Dr. George B. Wood, Dr. Franklin Bache prepared the "Dispensatory of the United States of America" in January, 1833, a book which has gone through over twenty editions and as a volume of over 2,000 pages is in use to-day, Dr. Bache writing for the revisions until his death.

The boy Franklin, son of Benjamin Franklin and Margaret Markoe Bache, was born in Philadelphia on the twenty-fifth of October, 1792, the great grandson of the Franklin, for his grandfather, Richard Bache, emigrating from Lancashire, England, in 1737, married Franklin's only daughter. At a school kept by a Dr. Samuel B. Wylie young Franklin had his early education, afterwards going to Pennsylvania University and graduating A. B. there in 1810; M. D. in 1814. After spending a year in the army as surgeon's mate, and two years as full surgeon, he resigned his commission in 1816 and began practice in Philadelphia, marrying Aglae, daughter of Jean Dabadie, a French merchant. She died seventeen years after, leaving him with six children. He was physician to the Walnut Street Prison, professor of chemistry in the Franklin Institute, physician to the Eastern Penitentiary and professor of chemistry in the Philadelphia College of Pharmacy in succession and with such training was appointed in 1841 professor of chemistry in the Jefferson Medical College, a position he filled for the rest of his life. When he became a fellow of the College of Physicians of Philadelphia in 1829 he was appointed a reviser of the "United States Pharmacopœia," Dr. Hewson and Dr. George B. Wood aiding him. "For all this expenditure of time, thought and labor, not only in this revision but in all those with which he had been concerned, he neither expected nor received any other recompense than the consciousness of duty performed and public ben-