Page:American Medical Biographies - Kelly, Burrage.djvu/769

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MACKIESON 747 MAC LAREN sionally leaving behind him his saddlebags with his medicines he pretended to the patient that medicine was of no use on that day, and that dieting would be the proper treat- ment, thus skilfully hiding his forgetfulness. Fifty years after graduating from Bowdoin College, he collected the few remaining mem- bers of his class at Topsham, and there re- kindled within them the youthful enthusiasm of half a century before. He had a deservedly successful career in medicine, and died with- out long illness on the day after his seventy- sixth birthday at Topsham, Maine, November 28, 1873. James A. Spalding. MSS. Records, Maine Medical Society. Transactions, Maine Medical Association. Mackieson, John (179S-1885) John Mackieson was the first superintendent to take charge of the original lunatic asylum of Prince Edward Island. He was born October 16, 1795, in Stirlingshire, Scotland, and was educated at the University of Glas- gow, receiving his diploma as M. D., Novem- ber 15, 1815. He was a fine classical scholar, and also spoke French and German fluently. After practising his profession, first in Stirling and then in Liverpool, he resolved to come to Canada, and sailed for Prince Edward Island in the brig Relief, arriving at Char- lottetown November 15, 1816. Here he soon acquired an extensive practice, and in 1840 was appointed health officer of the city. Elected superintendent of the new lunatic asj'- lum in 1846. he continued in office until 1873, when he retired after nearly 28 years' service. Dr. Mackieson always took a great interest in military affairs,- being appointed assistant surgeon of the tenth battalion in 1817, and subsequently (1822) its surgeon by Lieutenant- Governor Charles Douglas Smith ; while by order of the Militia General Headquarters, he. in 1848, became surgeon-general of the militia forces of the province. After his retirement from the asylum, he continued in private practice in Charlottetown until his death in the latter part of the year 1885. Institutional Care of the Insane in the U. S. and Canada, Henry M. Hurd. 1917. McKinley, John (1721-1796) John McKinley, first governor of Delaware, was born in the north of Ireland, February 24, 1721. Nothing is known of his parentage and family aside from the knowledge implied by his having been educated and able to begin at once the practice of medicine when he came to this country. He was a charter memher of the first Dela- ware Medical Society, which was the third medical society in the United States. In 1757 he was appointed sheriff of New Castle County under the Colonial Govern- ment. He held this office for three years and in 1759 was chosen chief burgess of the small borough of Wilmington. Continuous re-elec- tion by his fellow townsmen kept him in this office for fifteen years. In 1777 he became the first governor of Delaware, or "President" of the State, as the title then was. Dr. McKinley was prompt to take a stand against British oppression, and, like others of his race, became an ardent, outspoken patriot. He was of fearless and decided character, and * greatly popular with those who opposed taxa- tion without representation. In September, 1777, just after the Battle of the Brandywine, a detachment of British soldiers appeared in Wilmington, and after looting the governor's house, took him prisoner as a valuable prize. After one year in close captivity he returned once more to his home on the northwest corner of Third and french streets and re- sumed his practice and other duties. The public library at New York contains a sworn statement by Dr. McKinley, as to damage done his property by British soldiers, but it is doubtful if the infant Republic made good his loss. In the First Presbyterian Church, of which he was a trustee, and now used as the build- ing of the Delaware Historical Society, is a large lantern. It is of iron with glass panels, and bears the following inscription : "The lantern of Dr. John McKinley, of Wilmington, Delaware." "This lantern lighted the path of that de- voted, able physician during his nightly visits to the sick and afflicted, borne by his devoted African servant, 'Fortin' when street lamps were unknown. "There are a few persons still living in Wil- mington who bear kindly recollections of mas- ter and man." He left no children: his wife's name was Jane Richardson and they were married about the year 1764. Dr. McKinley died at the age of seventy-five years on the thirty-first of August, 1796, in Wilmington. ^^^^^^ ^^^^^ Biographical and Genealogical History of the State of Delaware. MacLaren, Laurence (1817-1892) Laurence MacLaren was the son of John MacLaren, architect, of Perth, Scotland, who emigrated to Prince Edward Island in 1804,