Page:American Medical Biographies - Kelly, Burrage.djvu/817

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ease. To him is due the credit of abolishing the primitive and unsanitary habits, practices, and customs of a village population, for his untiring zeal in the interests of sanitary reform drove the reluctant municipal authorities to enact ordinances which clothed the board of health with some measure of authority to declare a nuisance and power to abate it. He died on September 20, 1873.

Dr. Miller was the author of "Introductory Lecture on Anatomy," Washington, 1840.

Daniel Smith Lamb.

Reminiscences, S. C. Busey, 1895.
Minutes of Medical Society of the Dist. of Columb., September 22, 1837 and September 30, 1874.
Trans. Amer. Med. Assc, 1874, vol. xxv.

Miltenberger, George Warner (1819-1905)

Born in Baltimore, March 17, 1819, this obstetrician was the son of Gen. Anthony Felix Wybert Miltenberger, and was educated at the Boisseau Academy, Baltimore, and at the University of Virginia, taking his M. D. at Maryland University in 1840. Soon after he was appointed demonstrator of anatomy in his alma mater. His talents as a lecturer led to the further honor of a lectureship on pathological anatomy in 1847. For several years he had a large quiz class and a surgical service in University Hospital. There he taught almost everything and laid broad and deep the foundations of solid attainments in the various branches of medicine.

In 1852 he succeeded Prof. Samuel Chew (q. v.) in the chair of materia medica and therapeutics, in 1855 becoming dean of the faculty and in 1858 succeeding to the chair of obstetrics. His close application to his professional work was notorious; he did all his reading in his carriage, and enjoyed but little rest or recreation. At one time he had eighteen horses in his service. He gave up all amusements and social pleasures, church services and holidays; for many years he seemed to live only for the good of his patients. He was a ready and pleasing lecturer—never using notes—and impressed his hearers with his honesty, his sincerity, and his mastery of his subject. In 1891 he offered his resignation—for the second time—which was accepted and he became professor emeritus and honorary president of the faculty, having completed his half century in the service of the university from which he had graduated.

Dr. Miltenberger was president of the Baltimore Obstetrical and Gynecological Society in 1885-86; president of the Medical and Chirurgical Faculty of Maryland in 1886-87, and was appointed consulting physician to the Johns Hopkins Hospital on its opening in 1889. On his accession to the chair of obstetrics, his attention was turned to that direction and all his later writings were on that subject, in the Maryland Medical Journal and in the "Transactions of the Medical and Chirurgical Faculty of Maryland." On April 30, 1906, a portrait of him was presented by his friends to the Medical and Chirurgical Faculty. His wife, née Neale, died in 1898, and he left no direct descendants. At his death, December 11, 1905, he left a large fortune to his nephews and nieces.

Eugene F. Cordell.

For sketches and portrait see Cordell's Medical Annals of Maryland, 1903, and History of the University of Maryland, 1907.

Miner, Julius Francis (1823-1886)

Julius Francis Miner, surgeon, was born in Peru, Berkshire County, Massachusetts, on February 16, 1823. As a boy he went to two preparatory schools and as a medical student to the Berkshire Medical Institution, Pittsfield, Massachusetts, and to Albany Medical College, New York, taking his degree from the latter in 1847. While in New York he also took up special surgical and ophthalmological studies. First he practised in New Braintree, Massachusetts, afterwards in Buffalo, being appointed in 1860 visiting surgeon to the Buffalo General Hospital; in 1867, professor of surgical anatomy and ophthalmology; in 1870, professor of special and clinical surgery. His last course of lectures was delivered in 1881-82. When in 1861 he issued the first number of the Buffalo Medical and Surgical Journal his idea was to afford a means of communication between the practitioners of the vicinity and his editorship soon made the journal one worth reading.

He was best known as a surgeon. He performed most of the important operations of his day and in more than one instance instituted procedures which have been widely adopted. Four times he successfully performed thyroidectomy, and ligated the external iliac artery for aneurysm; the internal and external carotid and most of the other arteries that require ligation for injury or disease; he removed a spleen weighing over seven pounds, with fatal result; exsected for traumatism and disease the hip, knee, ankle, shoulder and wrist-joints; in two cases he removed over four and a half inches of the femur, securing a useful limb. A similar operation was done on the humerus, removing large portions of the shaft for gunshot or