Page:American Medical Biographies - Kelly, Burrage.djvu/879

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NOURSE 857 NOYES in April, 1868, removed to New York City. Here he soon took a prominent position as an able and accomplished physician and gyne- cologist. Skene, in his "Diseases of Women," says "coccyodynia" was first described by Dr. Nott in the North American Medical Journal, May, 1844, but it attracted little attention until 1861, when Sir J. Y. Simpson revived the sub- ject and gave it the name of "coccygodynia." Nott has also an article on "Extirpation of Os Coccyx for Neuralgia," in the New Orleans Medical and Surgical Journal, 1844-45. He was an untiring student and indefati- gable worker, ever ready in public or private to advance science. During his short career in Baltimore, he read numerous papers bearing evidence of a well-trained mind and ripe schol- arship. Besides contributing extensively on professional and kindred topics to the medical journals of New Orleans, Charleston, Rich- mond, Philadelphia and New York, he pub- lished several ethnological works, which at- tracted great attention in Europe as well as the United States. Among these are "Two Lec- tures on the Connection between the Biblical and Physical History of Man" (1849) ; "The Physical History of the Jewish Race" (1850) ; "Types of Mankind" (1854) ; and "Indigenous Races of the Earth" (1857). The last two were prepared in connection with Mr. George R. Gliddon. The object of these works was to refute the orthodox theory of the unity of the human race, by showing that the present types of mankind lived about the Mediterranean Sea 3,000 B. C, and that there is no evidence that during the last 5.000 years one type has been changed into another. Med. Reg.. State of New York, 1873-4. vol. xi. Jour. Anthro. Soc, Lend., 1868, vol. vi, pp. Ixxix-lxxxiii. H. R. H. Mackenzie. Trans. Am. Med. Asso.. Phila.. 1S78, vol. xxix, 727.733, W. H, Anderson. Trans. Med. Asso., Alabama, Montgomery, 1877, 118-128, W. H. Anderson. Alabama, 1540-1872, Montgomery, 1872, W. Brewer. New Orleans Med. and Surg. Jour., 1848. vol. iv, 563-601. Nourse, Amos (1794-1877) Destined to be versatile as a man and as a physician, Amos Nourse was born in Bolton, Massachusetts, December 17, 1794, was edu- cated at Andover Academy, graduated from Harvard in the class of 1812, and studied medi- cine with Dr. John Randall of Boston. After some years, during which his career is not discoverable, we find him in 1819 a partner of Dr. Ariel Mann of Hallowell. Here he remained practising until 1844, when, having got into the current of politics, he moved to Bath, Maine, where he was collector of cus- toms for several years. Side by side with this position, he maintained regular consulting hours, kept up his studies, and, as a result, became known as a good obstetrician, and in 1846 was appointed lec- turer on that topic in the Medical School of Maine. He lectured steadily until 1854, when he accepted the chair of medicine in the same school, and filled it until the year 1866. After resigning the position of collector at Bath, he was elected judge of probate of Sagadahoc County, and filled that position for twelve years. To show his versatility, and the gen- eral esteem in which he was held, we may mention that in 1861 the governor of Maine appointed him to fill a vacancy in the United States Senate, which he might have held per- manently for life had he so desired. Although not educated for the law, his ability, culture and common sense, his ideas of justice and his impartiality combined with strict integrity fitted him for the faithful dis- charge of his duty as judge of probate. He was a member of the Maine Medical Society, and later, of the Maine Medical Association, with whose interests he was identified from their formation. His address as president of the association in 1865 was on "The Faults and Defects in the Cultivated of our Pro- fession." In 1864 he wrote for the Boston Medical and Surgical Journal a paper on "Menstruation." As a teacher, his instruction was sound, and he was particularly noted for his personal in- terest in seeing that pupils understood what he said. If he discovered in conversation that he had not been understood, he improved his lecture at the next opportunity. Amos Nourse had one or more strokes of paralysis at a good old age and died after what might be called an illness lingering but not painful. He passed away at Bath, April 7, 1877, aged eighty-two, revered and honored. James A. Spalding. Trans. Maine Med. Assoc, 1877. Noyes, Henry Dewey (1832-1900) Henry Dewey Noyes was born in New York City in 1832 and graduated from New York University A. B., 1851, A. M., 1854, and M. D. from the College of Physicians and Surgeons in 1855. After serving three years on the resident staff of the New York Hospital, and spending a year in study in Europe, he entered upon the practice of diseases of the eye and ear, 1859, in New York. He was assistaat ophthalmic surgeon in the New York Eye and