Page:American Medical Biographies - Kelly, Burrage.djvu/914

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PARSONS 892 PARSONS Rewards for such extraordinary surgical work were soon showered upon Dr. Parsons in the shape of the thanks of Congress, a highly commendatory letter from Commodore Perry, a medal for skill and bravery in action, a commission as surgeon in the navy, and prize money, most of which went to liquidate debts incurred in obtaining his medical edu- cation. The next two years were spent in the Medi- terranean on the Jaz'a with Commodore Perry. During a storm while on this ship Dr. Parsons had the misfortune to break a patella. He kept a diary during this voyage and never failed to visit the hospitals and the most celebrated surgeons whenever he hap- pened on shore. Returning in March, 1817, he lectured at the proposed medical school at Brown University, and finally after at- tending lectures at the Harvard Medical School got his degree in 1818, and his fellowship in the Massachusetts Medical Society. His next sea service was in the Gncrticre, in which he sailed as far north as Russia and south into the Mediterranean. Paris was next visited, and from Dr. Par- sons' letters we hear of Dupuytren. then at the summit of his career and doing more surgery than all the other surgeons in Pans combined. Dupuytren was savage to his pa- tients. Baron Larrey was overfond of the knife, but operated adroitly and gracefully. He held a clinic every Thursday for visiting medical men, and gave instruction which it was a pleasure to follow. Dr. Parsons was disgusted with the bad treatment of ulcers, and grew tired of seeing flaps stuffed with lint to prevent primary healing. He bought a stethoscope from Laennec, and with it a certificate in his handwriting that it was fit for service. When in London, Dr. Parsons saw all the leaders of the day and especially mentioned Abernethy as engaging, amusing, yet as mi- pressive a lecturer as he ever had heard. Abernethy's quaint illustrative anecdotes were very instructive. Dr. Parsons made in Lon- don the acquaintance and obtained thereby the hfe-long friendship of Sir Richard Owen, the naturalist. Finally he mentioned as the three most quoted American medical books: Benjamin Rush, "On the mind;" Gorham's "Chemistry," and Cleveland's "Mineralogy." Obtaining leave to return home owing to ill health. Dr. Parsons was on his arrival or- dered to the Charleston Navy Yard, where he lived some years. During this time he made a journey to New York, where he saw his old friend. Dr. Lyman Spalding (q. v.), the founder of the United States Pharmacopeia, and the veteran physician, Dr. David Hosack (q.v.). After his resignation from the navy in 1823 he settled in Providence, Rhode Island, for the remainder of his life. He married Miss Mary Jackson, daughter of the Rev. Abiel Holmes, of Cambridge, Massachusetts, and had one child. Dr. Charles W. Parsons. While living in Providence he was chosen to fill important medical chairs, among which may be mentioned the professorship of anat- omy and surgery at the Dartmouth Medical School (1820-1822), and the same position at the Brown University Medical School (1823- 1828). He was one of the founders of the Rhode Island Hospital. He also lectured on obstetrics at the Philadelphia Medical School in 1831-1832. Here, too, is the place to say that he was thrice elected president of the Rhode Island Medical Society (1837-1840). Dartmouth conferred her honorary M. D. in 1821 and Brown in 1825, the Berkshire Medical Institution doing the same in 1844. As a physician Dr. Parsons was industrious and faithful. He was rather inclined to be strict in his orders, a habit presumably ac- quired during his service on shipboard. His judgment was sound, and his diagnostic skill excellent. As a surgeon he was cautious rather than dextrous or rapid. He was fond of pointing out the house in which he first operated successfully for strangulated hernia, an operation which, by the way, he performed fifteen times with eleven successes. He did a good deal of ophthalmic surgery, and paid much attention to orthopedic surgery, at that time a specialty much neglected. His results in cleft palate were good. He ligated the common carotid for a brain tumor, and when he was at the age of seventy-four amputated an arm with perfect success. Before the days of ether, he relieS on laudanum and brandy, and then by his presence infused his patients with steadiness and calmness equal to his own. He was a member of various literary soci- eties, and to their meetings contributed pa- pers on the "Genealogy of the Frost and Par- sons Families," an account of "The Battle of ' Lake Erie," and an essay on "Indian Names." He wrote an excellent "Life of Sir William Pepperell," for the completion of which he made the long journey to Louisburg, and he wrote sketches of Rhode Island Physicians, 1859. Finally he delivered the oration at the unveiling of the statue to Commodore Perry at Cleveland, in 1860. He was fond of novels,