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Of course, the number in the middle is common to both arms. The first pair is the one I gave as an example. I will suppose that we have written out all these crosses, always placing the first row of a pair in the upright and the second row in the horizontal arm. Now, if we leave the central figure fixed, there are 24 ways in which the numbers in the up- right may be varied, for the four counters may be changed in 1 × 2 × 3 × 4=24 ways. And as the four in the horizontal may also be changed in 24 ways for every arrangement on the other arm, we find that there are 24 × 24 = 576 variations for every form ; therefore, as there are 18 forms, we get 18 × 576 = 10,368 ways. But this will include half the four re- versals and half the four reflections that we barred, so we must divide this by 4 to obtain the correct answer to the Greek Cross, which is thus 2,592 different ways. The division is by 4 and not by 8, because we provided against half the reversals and reflections by always reserving one number for the upright and the other for the horizontal.

In the case of the Latin Cross, it is obvious that we have to deal with the same 18 forms of pairing. The total number of different ways in this case is the full number, 18 × 576. Owing to the fact that the upper and lower arms are unequal in length, permutations will repeat by reflection, but not by reversal, for we cannot reverse. Therefore this fact only entails division by 2. But in every pair we may exchange the figures in the upright with those in the horizontal (which we could not do in the case of the Greek Cross, as the arms are there all alike) ; consequently we must multiply by 2. This multiplication by 2 and division by 2 cancel one another. Hence 10,368 is here the correct answer.


Arrange the nuns from day to day as shown in the six diagrams. The smallest possible number of nuns would be thirty-two, and the arrangements on the last three days admit of variation.


This is quite easy to solve for any number of barrels—if you know how. This is the way to do it. There are five barrels in each row. Multiply the numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 together; and also multiply 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 together. Divide one result by the other, and we get the number of different combinations or selections of ten things taken five at a time. This is here 252. Now, if we divide this by 6 (1 more than the number in the row) we get 42, which is the correct answer to the puzzle, for there are 42 different ways of arranging the barrels. Try this method of solution in the case of six barrels, three in each row, and you will find the answer is 5 ways. If you check this by trial, you will discover the five arrangements with 123, 124, 125, 134, 135 respectively in the top row, and you will find no others.

The general solution to the problem is, in fact, this :

where equals the number of barrels. The symbol C, of course, implies that we have to find how many combinations, or selections, we can make of </math>2n</math> things, taken </math>n</math> at a time.


Take your constructed pyramid and hold it so that one stick only lies on the table. Now, four sticks must branch off from it in different directions—two at each end. Any one of the five sticks may be left out of this connection; therefore the four may be selected in 5 different ways. But these four matches may be placed in 24 different orders. And as any match may be joined at either of its ends, they may further be varied (after their situations are settled for any particular arrangement) in 16 different ways. In every arrangement the sixth stick may be added in 2 different ways. Now multiply these results together, and we get 5×24×16×2=3,840 as the exact number of ways in which the pyramid may be constructed. This method excludes all possibility of error.

A common cause of error is this. If you calculate your combinations by working upwards from a basic triangle lying on the table, you will get half the correct number of ways, because you overlook the fact that an equal number of pyramids may be built on that triangle downwards, so to speak, through the table. They are, in fact, reflections of the others, and examples from the two sets of pyramids cannot be set up to resemble one another—except under fourth dimensional conditions!


It will be convenient to imagine that we are painting our pyramids on the flat cardboard, as in the diagrams, before folding up. Now, if we take any four colours (say red, blue, green, and yellow), they may be applied in only 2 distinctive ways, as shown in Figs, 1 and 2. Any other way will only result in one of these when the pyramids are folded up. If we take any three colours, they may be applied in the 3 ways shown in Figs. 3, 4, and 5, If we take any two colours, they may be applied in the 3