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Mates, Thirty-six, 106, 233.

Mazes and how to thread Them, 127.

Measuring, Weighing, and Packing Puzzles, 109.

——— Puzzle, New, no, 235.

Meeting, The Suffragists', 19, 161,

Mellor, W. M. F., 242.

Ménages, Probleme de, 76.

Mersenne, M., 168.

Mice, Catching the, 65, 196.

Milkmaid Puzzle, The, 50, 183.

Millionaire's Perplexity, The, 3, 149.

Mince Pies, The Twelve, 57, 191.

Mine, Inspecting a, 71, 199.

Miners' Holiday, The, 23, 163.

Miser, The Converted, 21, 162.

Mitre, Dissecting a, 35, 170.

Monad, The Great, 39, 174.

Money, A Queer Thing in, 2, 148.

——— Boxes, The Puzzhng, 3, 149.

———, Pocket, 3, 149.

——— Puzzles, 1.

——— Puzzle, A New, 2, 148.

———, Square, 3, 149.

Monist, The, 125.

Monk and the Bridges, The, 75, 202.

Monstrosity, The, 108, 234.

Montenegrin Dice Game, The, 119, 242.

Moreau, 76.

Morris, Nine Men's, 58.

Mosaics, A Problem in, 90, 215.

Mother and Daughter, 7, 152.

Motor-car Race, The, 117, 240.

——— Tour, The, 74, 201.

——— Garage Puzzle, The, 62, 195.

Motorists, A Puzzle for, 73, 201.

Mouse-trap Puzzle, The, 80, 206.

Moving Counter Problems, 58.

Multiplication, Digital, 15, 156.

——— Queer, 15, 157.

——— Simple, 23, 163.

Multiplying Magic Squares, 124.

Muncey, J. N., 125.

Murray, Sir James, 44.

Napoleon, 43, 44.

Nasik Magic Squares, 120.

Neighbours, Next-Door, 8, 153.

Newton, Sir Isaac, 56.

Nine Men's Morris, 58.

Notation, Scales of, 149.

Noughts and Crosses, 58, 117.

Nouvelles Annates de Mathématiques, 14.

Number Checks Puzzle, The, 16, 158,

Numbers, Curious, 20, 162.

Nuts, The Bag of, 8, 153.

Observation, Defective, 4, 150.

Octahedron, The Fly on the, 70, 198.

Oval, How to draw an, 50, 182.

Ovid's Game, 58.

Packing in Russia, Gold, iii, 236.

——— Puzzles, Measuring, Weighing, and, 109.

——— Puzzle, A, III, 236.

Pandiagonal Magic Squares, 120.

Papa's Puzzle, 53, 187.

Pappus, 53.

Paradox Party, The, 137.

Party, A Family, 8, 153.

Patchwork Puzzles, 46.

——— Puzzle, Another, 48, 180.

——— The Silk, 34, 168.

Patience, Strand, 116, 239.

Pawns, A Puzzle with, 94, 222.

——— Immovable, 106, 233.

——— The Six, 107, 233.

——— The Two, 105, 231.

Pearls, The Thirty- three, 18, 160.

Pebble Game, The, 117, 240.

Pedigree, A Mixed, 8, 153.

Pellian Equation, 164, 167.

Pennies, The Five, 143, 248.

——— The Twelve, 65, 195.

Pension, Drawing her, 12, 155.

Pentagon and Square, The, 37, 172.

——— Drawing a, 37.

Pfeffermann, M,, 125.

Pheasant-Shooting, 146, 251.

Philadelphia Maze solved, 137.

Pierrot's Puzzle, The, 15, 156.

Pigs, The Seven, 41, 177.

Planck, C, 220, 246.

Plane Paradox, 138.

Plantation Puzzle, A, 57, 189.

——— The Burmese, 58, 191.

Plates and Coins, 65, 195.

Plums, The Baskets of, 126, 245.

Poe, E. A., 249.

Points and Lines Problems, 56.

Postage Stamps, The Four, 84, 210.

Post-0ffice Perplexity, A, 1, 148.

Potato Puzzle, The, 41, 177.

Potatoes, The Basket of, 13, 155.

Precocious Baby, The, 139.

Presents, Buying, 2, 148.

Prime Magic Squares, 125.

Printer's Error, A, 20, 162.

Prisoners, Exercise for, 104, 230.

——— The Ten, 62, 195.

Probabilities, Two Questions in, 5, 150.

Problems concerning Games, 114.

Puss in the Comer, 118, 240.

Puzzle Games, 117,

Pyramid, Painting a, 83, 208.

Pyramids, Square and Triangular, 167.

Pythagoras, 31.

"Queen, The," 120,

Queens and Bishop Puzzle, 93, 219.

——— The Eight, 89, 215.

Queen's Journey, The, 100, 227.

——— Tour, The, 98, 225.

Quilt, Mrs. Perkins's, 47, 180.

Race Puzzle, The Horse-, 117, 240.

——— The Motor-car, 117, 240.

Rackbrane's Little Loss, 21, 163.

Railway Muddle, A, 62, 194.

——— Puzzle, A, 61, 194.

——— Stations, The Three, 49, 182.

Rational Amusement for Winter Evenings, 56.

Rectangles, Counting the, 105, 232.

Reiss, M., 58.

Relationships, Queer, 8, 153.

Reversals, A Puzzle in, 5, 151.

River Axe, Crossing the, 112, 236.