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Transcendentals General.
Part. II.

III. Those general Names which may be styled Differences, are too numerous to be placed under one common Head according to the method designed in these Tables, and therefore are they here reduced unto three Heads: whereof the first contains such as do not immediately imply any relation to Action, and are therefore styled more absolute and common, namely, those more universal Affections of Entity whereby several things are differenced, so as to make them DIVERS from one another. (another, several, sundry, varyiety, dissonant, to and fro, up and down, multiplicity, choice, different, others, Heterogeneous) to which the notion of IDENTITY, Very, sameness, all one, unvaried, may be properly opposed, importing an Unity or Agreement in the same Essence.

These are distinguishable into such Difference: of things as imply a respect unto Something without the things themselves.

(pre/Denham of them.

The Under/tanding t, in regard of the (видит), or incongruit) of thing: to our ap l {'I RUTH, true, Verity, vergh'c, 2м‘г],КщЬ1,Ь001%,п‘геута3дЬу,/1/@д’‚рг01ш12/е. Z I' FALSI-100D, falle ­r]1'e, lírror,erroneouc, untrue» ’

‘Ihe Will 5 a: to the Н agreementpr drßgrecnient ol things with that Facultyfo as to be rend red dtfirable or avoidable. 2.{(`IOODNESS, Waal, Pte/fare, right, regular, we”, reft'rfìe, better,be]l.


EI/ILNrSS, ill, bad, naught, wronq,antzjf,ßtrewd,fŕur1ly, Í¢’1vd,horrid,horrible, I

corrupt, Pravitj, deprave,.s‘in, “1111,?тф’аЕ‘Нац/рф-тщ Peccadil/o, wor/e. I The ‘ Their nature nabcdbelng, of thing:or in not „лещ/Нос: being. 5 as to

l {POSITIVENESS, The/ù. '3' PKlI/A‘IIVENESS, Privatìon, bereave, deprive, depofe, put out, or fbrth, take Il l

  • l

away, ßrip, deve/l, di/j'erfê, ‚тиф; dig‘urnrjh.

'Their being, or not being what they arepretended to be.


СЕЫЦПЪЕПЕЗЗ, right, arrant, rank, very. natif/e, legitimate, true, currant. _

l < 4'Éò'P‘ZIRIOZ‘SNESS., штате!э baßard, j'alfe,l illegitimate, improper, adu/terine,


bafe, nti:begot, fòphrjltcated.

Their degree: of being; Whether pre/ent, or future and in poíïibility. AC'IUA LNESS, Exißence, extant.

' s“IPOTENI MLN-Ess, Hefaerßan, may. can. l Their Extenjian; being |l шрифт” d by baund:, or not fb circunijìribed,



6 {ПЫГГЫЧЕ59‚ а’фт!е‚в1е!егт1пес1‚11т11еа’‚Ь0Ип‘1е‹1‚7егт‚(`0’ф‘пе‚811п#‚сапе/и

' INFINH ENESJ, end/qi, indehniteJ unbounded, дятел/е, indeterminate, unli ‚ rnz'ted, unrneaßirablc, inêxhau/lible. ‘ Their (au/et. (feriour Agent. ' Eßïcient; Whether

the order of cornnton Providence, or the :Íeill cfßrne in

NATURALNESS, right, native, wild, carnal, участницы!) jupernatural. 7`I FACTI? IU‘USNESS, artificial, technical, made. ' l

Material, being either without allpart: and cornpqfítionpr beingjìich, to the _fra­ i nting qfwhichfeveralpart: and ingredient: do concurre Ё

ЗЫМРЦСПТ, tnere, jhcer, clear, ji‘ne, plain, right, pure, unrnixed, Ingre

l 8A i Y * f_nv

dient, jingle, unconrpounded. MIXEDNESS, mingle, compound, blend fhußle,Med@,Mi/îel/anßprornúuour, мире", Contnzixtion, штрих; complicate, confound, intertuingle, низ-роду, Gallinzaufrj, Rhapfòdy,€enton,daßi,brew.

Formal.; being in ßtch a ‚дат to which nothing i: wanting, or elfe wanting [дие thing of what the] may andßtould have. З PEKFECTION, ab/olute, intirefull,accurate,exaů‘,exquißtQpunäuaLPreci/ë, conlp/ete,conßentnzate,accontpli J jlriät‘,plenar},throughb,naature,up,at the top. 9 IMPERFECHON, incomplete, lame. 1V. That