Page:An account of a voyage to establish a colony at Port Philip in Bass's Strait.djvu/255

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at Port Jackson, have been brought, which, it is the opinion of shipwrights, would be very valuable in ship-building: one kind in particular cannot be known from the beech.

learned writer, "Projects thought desperate in days of ignorance have, in more enlightened times, been brought to a successful issue;" and " individuals have often failed in their attempts for want of public encouragement, and public enterprizes from want of concurrence among individuals."

Weight of a cubic foot of the timber of New South Wales.
Wt. when cut down, Jan. 1804
Wt. at the present time Aug. 1804.

Gum, red 79
—— blue 68
—— black butted 71
Bark, stringy 67
—— Iron 74
Mahogany 66
She-oak 65
Box 77
Tea-tree 69
