Page:An account of the natives of the Tonga Islands.djvu/373

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THE TONGA ISLANDS, 307 CHAPTER X. Cow Mooala's narrative — His early residence at the Fiji islands — Is drifted to Fotoona on his return to Tonga- Particular customs of Fotoona — Arrives at Lotoomai on his return to Fiji— Character; of the people—Popular tale of two giants — Arrives at Navihi Levoo, one of the Fiji islands— Character of the people — Their cannibalism — Observations — Sails for the island of Pau, the most im- portant of the Fiji islands: its traffic — Account of an European vessel wrecked there — Anecdote of a gigantic lizard, (probably a crocodile) which did much mischief at a neighbouring isle: stratagem used to destroy it — Far- ther account of Pau — Description of several customs of the Fiji islands—Description of the island of Chichia, and its strong fortress: some account of its war with Pau — De- scription of a cannibal feast — Feast given by Finow on Cow IMooala's return to Tonga. Cow MooALA went out to the Fiji islands with a number of young men, for the sake of an ex;- cursion, and to mingle in the wars of those people; sometimes at one island, sometimes at another, from the same motives probably as actuated Tool Hala Fatai: (see p. 68). After having been absent about two years, he set sail on his return home, and having arrived within sight of Vavaoo, the wind became unfavourable to land, and the sea running very high, he was X 2