Page:An address delivered to the graduates admitted at the Convocation of the Senate of the University of Madras, held on Monday, April 5, 1878 (IA b22350172).pdf/3

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"Salus populi est suprema lex."

It is customary to close this interesting Convocation at the Madras University with an address from one of its Fellows, and we owe it to the practical sagacity of our most noble and distinguished Chancellor, of which since his advent to power over us we have had so many examples, that on this occasion it is delivered by a Physician. You can well believe me when I say that when I remembered the many eloquent orations that have been heard on those occasions, especially from members of the Bar, whose vocation it is to speak, and speak well, I might, and did shrink from accepting the role of Public Orator. Yet when the reason of the choice was made plain to me, that each profession, especially of those engaged in teaching the youths of this country, should, in turn, say what it had to say on Education, given as it were its "raison d'être," I hesitated no longer.

It is befitting that on this the first day of our assembly in this Hall, I should congratulate the Senate