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he could give them was to keep him constantly in view, and never lose sight of him at all. "Watch me," he said, "with the eyes of Argus; for if once you lose me, you will never find me more."

(From the French of Etienne Pavillon. Translated by the Rev. Wm. Lucas Collins.)


SOON as he felt the winter frosts begin,
 A Hedgehog begged a Snake to take him in:
"'Twill be a deed of charity," said he:—
"I'm perishing with cold, as you may see;
And then
In this great hole how lonely you will be.
All by yourself, till summer comes again!
So take me under cover—
I'm first-rate company, as you'll discover."
The Snake consented,
And very soon repented.
The Hedgehog proved a most unpleasant guest;
Curled himself up into a horrid ball.
Rolled here and there, with no regard at all
For his poor hostess, who could get no rest.
And even pricked her side
With those sharp-pointed quills upon his hide.
Vainly she made complaint:—
It was the brute's amusement so to do;
Such conduct would provoke a saint.
At last she said: "Behave yourself, or go!"
"Go!" said the brute, "Not I! I'm here at present.