Page:An epic of women and other poems (IA epicofwomenother00osha).pdf/79

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Seems subduing the whole forest;
  Or some distant joyous rite
Draws away each bright-hued chorist:
  Then we yield with long delight

Each to each, our souls deep thirsting;
  And no sound at all is nigh,
Save from time to time the bursting
  Of some fire-fed fruit on high.

Then with sudden overshrouding
  Of impenetrable wings,
Comes the darkness and the crowding
  Mysteries of the unseen things.

O how happy are we lovers
  In weak wanderings hand in hand!—
Whom the immense palm forest covers
  In that strange enchanted land;

Whom its thousand sights stupendous
  Hold in breathless charmed suspense;
Whom its hidden sounds tremendous
  And its throbbing hues intense