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a' laddies, and side is but a laſſie, if you'll tell me how ye got your laddie, I'll tell you how I got my laſſie, and then we'll be baith alike good o' the buſineſs.

The miniſter looks at him, hute, tute, Saunders, lay down four pund and a groat, and come back to-morrow to the fool, and give ſatisfaction to the congregation, you had more need to be ſeeking repentance for that abominable ſin of uncleaneſs, than ſpeaking ſo to me.

San. Then there is your ſiller ſtir, I hae gotten but poor penny-worths for't, and ye'll tell me to repeat for't, what the auld thief needs I repent, when I'm gaun to marry de woman, and then I'll hae to do't o'er again every day, or they'll be nae peace in the houſe; figs it's nonſenſe to pay filler, repent, and do't again too, a fine advice indeed maſter miniſter, and that is how ye live.

Wiſe Willy. Now ſtir, you and maſter elders, ye manna put them on the black creepy till they be married; they ſuffered enough at ae time.

A well a well, ſaid they, but they muſt marry very ſoon then,

I trow ſae, fays Sandy, ye'll be wanting mair ſiller, fule hate ye'll do for naething here.

Hame came Sandy, ſtarving o' hunger, ye might a caſten a knot on his lang guts, his mither was baking peaſe bannocks, up he gets a lump of her leaven into his mouth, auld thief be in your haggies-bag, Sandy, kirk-ſouks is ay greedy, ye been wi' the miniſter the day, ye'd get a good lang grace, he might a gi'en you meat thou filthy dog (illegible text)t tu is, thou haft the bulk of a little whalpie o' my leaven in your guts, it wada been four good bannocks and a ſcone, and a ſair'd-our Sunday's dinner, ſae wad it een, but an ye keep a reeking houſe and a rocking cradle three eleven years as I hae done, leſs o' that will fair ye yer, baggity beaſt