Page:Ancient and modern history of Buck-haven, in Fife-shire.pdf/3

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obtained, ignorance and corruption of ſpeech are greatly decreaſed.

In the county of Fife, on the ſea-coaſt, there ſtands a little town, inhabited by few but fiſhers, called Bucky-harbour, becauſe of the ſea buckies and ſnells to be found ſo plenty on the rocks, in and about that place: there is little mention made of this town by hiſtorians, to know its original extraction and antiquities, but in their own burgers-ticket, which was part of it perfect truths, but more of it by ways of lampoon; this ticket was dated the two and thirty day of the month of Julius Cæſar, their coat of arms was two hands gripping each other over a Scate's rumple, their oathwas, “I wiſh the de'il may tak me an I binna an honeſt man to you, an ye binna de like to me." An article of good neighbourhood they had, whoever was firſt up in a good morning, was to raiſe all the reſt to go to ſea, but if a bad morning, they piſs and lie down again till break of day then raiſe Wiſe Willy, who could judge the weather by the blowing of the wind.