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A Study in Dates

Previous to the coming Christ, time was reckoned A.U.C., — that is, Ab urbe condita, or in English, "From the building of the city ” (Rome); but since Christ’s time we compute the years as a.d., Anno Dominu or “ year of the Lord.” The years 754 A.u.c. and 1 A.D. coincide. But it is most probable that Christ was born on December 25, 747 A.u.c., or six years previous to the opening of what we call the Christian era. He certainly was not born later than 750 A.u.c., for St. Matthew says He was born during the reign of Herod the Great, and Herod, we know, died in 750 A.u.c. Neither was He born previous to 746 A.u.c., for all the early writers tell us He was born in time of peace, and the only period of peace about that time began in 746, and lasted six years. That He was born in 747 A.u.c. is highly probable from the fact that the census spoken of in the Gospel was made by Sentius Sauterninus, propraetor of Syria, in his last year of office; and he, we know, held office from 744 A.u.c. to the beginning of the year 748 A.u.c. Hence Christ was born December 25, 747 A.u.c., or six years before the opening of our present calendar.

Q. How long did Christ live on earth?

A. Christ lived on earth about thirty-three years, and led a most holy life in poverty and suffering.

Our Lord’s Age

It being most probable that Our Lord was born on December 25, 747 A.u.c., and, as we shall see