Page:Annals of the Honorable East-India Company Vol 1.djvu/236

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220 ANKAXS OP THJB HONOR ABIiOB ^HAP- I. shewn to the English merchants, requested a continuance of 1620-21. this protection, and that the additional privilege of having a mart-town, near the port of Jasques, might be conferred <m them, at which they might enjoy that liberty of trade, whic^ had been granted to them in the Persian dominions, and where the Persians might have an opportunity of purchasing English goods, in exchange for silks. ^^^ Such was the situation of the Dutch and English Companies, when their respective rights were subjects of remonstrances and negotiation, rather than of settlement, by King James and the States General : and this circumstance accounts for a de- ficiency in the instructions to the London Company's foreign factories, at a period when it was thought more expedient by the King and the States Greneral, that each Company should be obsequious to the orders of their sovereigns, on the basis of the treaty (1619), than that the Coimcil of Defence should be ob- structed in their proceedings, by the private orders of the Directors of either of the India Companies, Captain Sbii- The Company's outward-bound ships sailed this season, liDgc takes ... posse^ston of at the usual period ; that division which was destined for Saldanba Bay, in the Surat was Commanded by Captain Shillinge, and that for name of the • . •■ r ^ KingofEng- Bantam by Captjun Fitzherbert. On the outward-bound pas- sage, Captain Shillinge touched at Saldanha Bay, and, by a formal (1)— Letter from King Jamea I. to Shah Abbas, King of Persia, 19th March l620*ai. (MSS. in the Indian Register Office, vol. y, No- 632).