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and from sworn enemies became sworn friends. They slept on the same cushion with their paws about each other, and gravely washed each other’s faces.

“We’ve all got used to each other,” said Phil. “And I’ve learned how to wash dishes and sweep a floor.”

“But you needn’t try to make us believe you can chloroform a cat,” laughed Anne.

“It was all the fault of the knothole,” protested Phil.

“It was a good thing the knothole was there,” said Aunt Jamesina rather severely. “Kittens have to be drowned, I admit, or the world would be overrun. But no decent, grown-up cat should be done to death—unless he sucks eggs.”

“You wouldn’t have thought Rusty very decent if you’d seen him when he came here,” said Stella. “He positively looked like the Old Nick.”

“I don’t believe Old Nick can be so very, ugly” said Aunt Jamesina reflectively. “He wouldn’t do so much harm if he was. I always think of him as a rather handsome gentleman.”