Page:Annie Besant, Marriage A Plea for Reform, second edition 1882.djvu/69

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6 Four Lectures on the “ Chemistry of Home,” by Hypatia Bradlaugh. — “Air, I." “Air, II.,” “Wat«r, I.,” “ Water, II.” Id. each, or the whole, in seat wrapper, 4<1. City Missionaries and Pious Frauds. — By W. R. Croftb. Id. Natural Reason versus Divine Revelation. — An appeal lor Freethought. By JULIA.K. Edited by Robert LEv^^■s, M.D. (id. Pamphlets by J. Symes. — “The Methodist Conference and Eternal Punishment : Do its Defenders Believe the Doctrine. ’ lid. “ Hospitals and Dispensaries, are they of Christian Growth 't ” new and revised edition, Id. “Man’s Place in Nature, or Man an Animal amongst Animals,” 4d. “ Philosophic .theism.” 4d. “ Christianity and Slavery,” 2d. “ Christianity at the Bar of Science,” 3d, “Debate on Atheism with Mr. St. Clair." Is. Robert Cooper’s Holy Scriptures Analysed, with Sketch of ' his Life. By C. Bradlaugh. fid. Thomas Paine’s Common Sense. — With N'ew Introduction. By Charles Bradlaugh. (id. New Theory of Poverty. — By H. Aula. Id. Liberty and Morality. By M. D. Conway. 3d. Shelley’s Works, reprinted from the original MSS. — The Poet of Atheism and Democracy. — In four handsome volumes, each com- plete iu itself. Vol. 1, Early Poems. Volume 2. Later Poems. Vol. 3. Posthumous Poems. Vol. 4, Prose "Writings. 2s. each. Pamphlets by C. R. Drysdale, M.D. — “The Population Ques- tion,” Is. “Tobacco, and the Diseases it Produces,” 2d. “ Alcohol,” 6d. The History of Clerkenwell. By the late "W. J. Pinks, with additions and Notes by the Editor. Edward J. Wood, complete in one vol.. fully gilt, 800 pp., 15s. Paine’s Theological Works; including the “Age of Rea,son.” and all his IMisoellaueous Pieces and Poetical Works ; his last Will aud Testament, and a Steel Portrait. Cloth. 3s. The Age of Reason. By Thomas Paine. Complete, with Pre- face by C.' Bradlaugh. A new edition, the best ever issued, printed in large type on good paper, Is. ; cloth gilt. Is. OJ. Paine’s Rights of Man. A Reply to Burke on the French Revo- lution. Is. The Immortality of the Soul Philosophically Considered. Seven Lectures by Robert Cooper. Is. "Voltaire’s Philosophical Dictionary. The edition in si.v, re-printed in two thick voliunos. Two portraits and a memoir. 8.s. Analysis of the Influence of Natural Religion ou the temporal Happiness of Mankind. By Philip Be.vuchamp (a pseudonym adopted bv G. Grote. the historian of Greece). Pp. 123. Is. ‘ Shelley’s Song to the Men of England. Sot to Music for four voices. By Herr Tuousselle. 2d. A Manual of Political Questions of the Day, with the arguments ou oitlier side. By Sydney Bu.xtifn. 130 pp. (Id.