Page:Annie Besant, Marriage A Plea for Reform, second edition 1882.djvu/73

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10 The Ancient World.-By J. A. G. Bauton. Vi>. Cousin’s Pn Vs^.' ”xeatlv bound. .ind WritingB. By A. G. Hi,M)EnBON. ip. 2s. 6d. P. 5d. PubliBhcd at (!b. bound, thick paper, pp. 279. Price Is. Od. 1 . 4d. Rossel’s Posthumous Papers. Pp. 294. Is. P.4 Sell, Descartes, Heinricb Heine, Tbomas Paine, od. I Letter to the aueen on her Retirement from Public Life. ' ('Published at Is.) 3d. P. Itb Republican SuperstHions By Moxcuke D. Co.way. Is. Cd. (Published at i s. 6d.) P. 3d. ^ The Survival, .vitb an Apology for Scepticism. 471 pp. Is. P. - d Australian Views of England. By Hexrv Parkes. Pp. Il- ls- . , .VH Santo Domingo, '^By S. HaTIru^ Richly ■with Maps and uumeious H/ngiavmgs. y gilt, crown 8yo, pp. svi. and 611. 5s. ^ ^ 4- pub- lished by Messrs. Longmans at los. 43- pages. -'Si lished at 16s.) 3s. P. 8d. ii? ,r H— j lishod at 16s.) 3s. P. 8^d. XI n5o rn-nital and Labour.— Including Chapters on the his- of Gidld^ Trades’ Unions, Apprentices, TechnicM Educatiom T • 1 +;nT, Tnd Picketing, Restraints on Trade; Strikes their I„,,m,dat.ou .ml ^ T.,d. Coupcil., ,Vrbitr.ti«i Co- SStto., S.JIJ Sod.tie., th. Labor La,. Sc. B, Geobo. Howell. n at 10s. 6d.) P. 7d. Alfieri • his Life, Adventures, and M'ork.s. By C. Mitchell Charles. 36. P-H6. Richard Cobden and the Free Traders. Gilt, crown 8vo, pp. 298, with portrait. Is. 6d. 1 . Id.