Page:Annotated Edition of the Authorised Daily Prayer Book.djvu/299

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THE present volume is designed to place within reach of the community at large a complete DAILY PRAYER BOOK, in Hebrew and English, equally suitable for use in Synagogues, families, and schools. It owes its origin to the generosity and public spirit of MRS. NATHANIEL MONTEFIORE, by whom the entire cost of production has been defrayed. It is, therefore, now possible for all who can afford the outlay of ONE SHILLING to obtain a book which could not otherwise have been offered to the public except at a far higher price.

No pains have been spared to render the work of permanent value, and worthy of its place as the Authorised Prayer Book of the United Hebrew Congregations of the British Empire. As it was practically complete before the death of the late Chief Rabbi, Dr. N. M. Adler, it was enabled to receive, and to be issued with the stamp of, his sanction and authorisation.

The main objects kept in view in the production of the book have been to furnish a correct text (founded for the greater part upon S. Baer's Abodath Israel) and a satisfactory translation, and to combine with these fundamental requirements the not insignificant advantages of good paper, clear type, and strong binding.

To render the volume still more suitable for general use, a number of prayers for special occasions have been introduced. Of these, the Prayers to be said at the Consecration of a House, and upon the Sick and Death Bed, were written or arranged by the Rev. Dr. Hermann Adler, Chief Rabbi; the Prayer in the House of Mourning, the Service on the occasion of making Collections for Hospitals, and the Thanksgiving to be offered up by Women after their Confinement are the same that have been in use for some years past, having been drawn up by the late Chief Rabbi. The Marriage Service and Morning and Evening Prayers for Children have also been introduced.

The English translation is entirely new. Its aim has been to unite accuracy and even literalness with due regard to English idiom, and to that simplicity of style and diction which befits the language of prayer. It should be noted that in the translation of the various Biblical passages the Revised Version (text or