Page:Anthony Hope - Rupert of Hentzau.djvu/142

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madame, Herbert is a handy fellow, and my good mother taught him to cook a steak and——"

"Stayed where with the King?" roared Sapt.

"Why, at the hunting-lodge, Constable. The King stays there to-night, and will ride back to-morrow morning with Herbert. That, madame, is the King's message."

We had come to it at last, and it was something to come to. Simon gazed from face to face. I saw him, and I understood at once that our feelings must be speaking too plainly. So I took on myself to dismiss him, saying:

"Thanks, Simon, thanks; we understand."

He bowed to the Queen; she roused herself and added her thanks to mine. Simon withdrew, looking still a little puzzled. After we were left alone there was a moment's silence. Then I said:

"Suppose Rupert——"

The Constable of Zenda broke in with a short laugh.

"On my life," said he, "how things fall out! We say he will go to the hunting-lodge, and—he goes!"

"If Rupert goes—if Rischenheim doesn't stop him!" I urged again.

The Queen rose from her seat and stretched out her hands towards us.

"Gentlemen, my letter!" said she.

Sapt wasted no time.