Page:Appeal to the wealthy of the land.djvu/23

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cents. cents.
Fine linen shirts, - - - 50 Drawers and duck pantaloons, - 18 3/4
Next quality do. - - - 40 Check shirts, - - - - 16
Fine muslin do. - - - 40 Flannel, do. - - - - 14
Next quality do. - - - 37 1/2 Collars, separate from the shirt, 6 1/4, 8, 12 1/2
Next quality do. - - - 31 1/4 Quilting, - - - - .75 to 1.25
Common muslin shirts, - - 25 Comfortables, according to the size, from
Coarse unbleached do. - - 18 3/4 $2 to 2.50 and $3.
Boys' shirts, - - - - 18 3/4 Bed-quilts, do. do.

The case of the spoolers is at least as hard, and their sufferings as great, as those of the seamstresses. By no degree of industry and skill can they earn in summer more than a dollar and a quarter, or a dollar in winter; and during the latter season, they are, for the most part, employed but half their time.

Philadelphia, July 1, 1833.


IV. The fourth position which I undertook to controvert, is, that

"Taxes for the support of the poor, and aid afforded them by benevolent societies and "charitable individuals, are pernicious; as, by encouraging the poor to depend on them, they foster their idleness and improvidence, and thus produce, or at least increase, the poverty and distress they are intended to relieve."

If I have proved, as I hope I have, satisfactorily, that there are classes of people, male and female, whose dependence is on their hands for support, and whose wages, when fully employed, are not more than sufficient for that purpose; that when unemployed, they must be reduced to penury and want; and that there are classes of females, whose wages are inadequate for their support, even when constantly employed; it follows, of course, that the poor rates, the aid of benevolent societies, &c., far from producing the pernicious effects ascribed to them, are imperiously necessary, and that without them, numbers would, as I have stated, actually perish of want, or would have recourse to mendicity; and mendicants impose a far heavier tax on a community than the same number of paupers supported by poor rates. The support of 549 out-door paupers of Philadelphia, in 1830, averaged 461/4 cents per week—or less than 7 cents per day. Some of them received only a quarter of a dollar a week. I submit a statement of the whole number, with the pittance they respectively received:—

42 a 25 cents
2 a 31 1/4
186 a 37 1/2
259 a 50
17 a 62 1/2
42 a 75
1 a 100

If these had been strolling mendicants, as, by the abrogation of the poor laws, and the annihilation of benevolent societies, they would have become, the average, instead of seven cents per day, would more probably have been 25 or 30 cents; thus increasing the burdens on the community three or four fold. Many of them, with a woe-begone appearance, whether real or fictitious, calculated to excite sympathy, would probably have realized 50 cents, and often a dollar a day.

Those of our fellow-citizens who complain of the oppression of our poor laws, will learn with surprise, that of the 549 out-door paupers, there were