Page:Archaeological Journal, Volume 11.djvu/240

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200 arch^j:ological intelligence. gtrdjacological Inidligcntc The formation of a Museum at Caerleox, through the praiseworthy exertions of an arcliaiologist, whose lahours at that place are known to our readers, and especially to those memhers of the Institute who visited the vestiges of Isca Sihiriim in 1851, has been eminently successful in preserving the scattered reliques now systematically arranged under the care of Mr. John Edward Lee. We regret to learn that the available funds are inadequate to give full etfcct to this object. A valuable contribution to the history of Military Architecture has boon ]troduccd by the Caerleon Antiquarian Association, and it is hoped that the proceeds of the sale of copies may aid the funds of the local Museum. The work in question is an excellent Monograph on the " Architecture and History of Caldicot Castle, Monmouthshire," by Mr. Octavius Morgan and Mr. Wakeraan, with a ground-j)lan of that remarkable fortress, and twelve etchings by Mr. Lee. We recommend this publication to the notice of our readers ; its price is 5s. Gd., and copies will be forwarded by Mr. Lee, postage free, to those who are disposed to give their aid to his desirable purpose, in the conservation of the antiquities of his county. A valuable auxiliary to Topographical investigations in East Anglia is in preparation and will speedily be jiroduccd by Mr. John N. Chadwick, the author of " ilcmorials of South Lynn A'icarage." It consists of an "Index Nominum " to Blometield's "History of Norfolk," giving the Christian and surnames of every individual mentioned in that valuable County history, with the heraldic bearings, Arc. The price to subscribers, whose names should be sent to Mr. Chadwick, St. James' Street, King's Lynn, will not exceed 17s. Proposals have been issued by Mr. Pcttigrew for publishing, by sub- scription, a new edition of Cough's " Sepulchral Monuments in Great Dritaiu," in which will be combined the additional materials boquoathed by the author to the Bodleian library, with the more important results (if recent researches. The Curators of the Bodleian have granted the use of the plates, and many additional illustrations will be given. This important work will form eight volumes, folio, to be delivered in fuur years, the price of each ])eing four guineas. We announce with satisfaction the comj)letion of the " Catalogue of the Museum of London Antiipiities," by ^Ir. Charles Roach Smith. We hope hereafter to call attention to this valuable record of facts illustrative of the early history of the Metropolis. It presents a memorable evidence of what may be achieved by well-directed individual exertion to make aineufls for tho neglect and contempt of national anticpiitics, too long evinced by the authorities of our great natioiuil dcpo.'^itory. Whilst the Memoir contributed by Mr. Neville to this Journal was in the I'rc'ss, we have received the fjllowing information through tiii! kindness of Mr. (^uokott, in regard to the material used Idt- the Saxon situl(i itc., discovered at Wilbraliuni and Linton Ileal li. On (xainirnition with tho microHcopc, it has bec^n ascertained that the slful<t foiuid with tho inter- iiicnt, No. 0, as described, p. '.)('>, tuifr, was of the wood of the yew, as are alMO thoHO found at Wilbrahain ( Nos. 32, 81, Sa.on ()bhe(piies). A fr.'igiuent of a bhield, taken from one of the iron bf>sses. apjieared to be of oak.