Page:Archaeological Journal, Volume 11.djvu/368

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308 RECENT HISTORICAL AND ARCHAEOLOGICAL PUBLICATIONS. occasion the nieinbers of our Society may, as we hope, revisit the venerable remains of the fane of St. Eihnuiul under cireuiustances favourable to more detailed investigation of numerous objects of attraction in that locality tlian was compatible with the arrangements of their recent visit. The recollection of that pleasant pilgrimage to the great East Anglian shrine will encourafje the assurance of fraternal welcome. licccnt IDistorttal nnti .^rcDnfoIogical ^l3iiblications. OnrERicis ViTALis, liis Ecclesiastical History of England .nnd Normandy ; translated with Notes, and the introduction by Guizot, by T. Forrester, M.A. Vol. III. Post Uvo. (Bohus Anti([uariaii Library.) Matthew 1'aris, his English Chronicle, translated by Dr. Giles. Vol. III. coui- pletinii the work, with an el.aborate Index to the whole, iiidudinij the early portion publislied under the title of Roger of Wendt)ver. (Bohn's Anti<iiiarian Libnu-y.) Marco Polo's Travkls : the translation of Marsden ; edited, with Notes, Iiiti-o- duction, and Index, by T. Wright, MA. (Bohn's Antiquarian Library.) Fasti Eccleskk Anglican.e ; or, a Calendar of the Principal Ecclesi.istical Dignitaries in England and Wales, and of the Chief Utticers of the Universities to the year 171.5. Compiled by John Le Neve. Corrected and continued to the present time by T. DuHiis Hardy. Three vols., 8vo. Oxford : J. H. Parker. Society of Antiquaries. — Archrcologi.a, Vol. XXXV., Part 2. Amongst the Contents are Memoirs on a Merovingian Cemetery at l^iivermeu, near Dieppe, with observations on certain weajions of the Franks ; On Celtic Megaliths, and tlie contents of Celtic Tombs, chiefly as they remain in the Channel Islands ; E.xcavations made by Mr. Akerman in an Anglo-Saxon burial ground at Harnham, Wilts ; St. Mary Ued- cliffe, Bristol. aiicl its founders ; On the Early History of Loril Lieutenants of Counties ; Ancient Churches in the West of France ; Saxon and other remains found near Ment- more, Bucks ; Roman Villa on the Borough Hill, Daventry ; Discoveries at Chavannes, Canton de ^'aud ; Extracts from Churchwardens' .ccounts at Mincliinhaniptoii ; On the La-st Davs of Is;ilH-lla, Queen of Etiwanl 11. ; On the Hide of Land, and some Manorial customs in Oxfordshire ; British Barrows in South Wilts, iS.c. Amongst the Illus- trations are numerous Anglo-Saxon Antiijuities ; interesting examjdes of Ecclesiastical Architecture ; the Chalice ])reserved at Leominster, noticed in this .Journal, Vol. X., p. 24.3 ; the Chapter .Seal of lireciiin ; the Cha.sed Seal of gobl of Henry Vlll. jireserve.l in Paris; the Merovingian Fibula described in this Journal, Vol. X., p. "J-lii, .c. -Ito. Fourteen plates, with imnierous woodcuts. Proceedings, Vol. III., Nos, 39, 40, comprising an Abstract of Communi- cations at the Meetings, from Feb. 2 to May 11, l}i,")4 ; Lists of Books, &c., pre- sented. 8vo. SociKTY OF Antiquaries of Newcastle, Archa3ologia yElinna, Vol. IV., I'art ;i. — Amboglanna, recent discoveries at Birdoswald on the Boman Wall ; Monimicntal .Stone with O^hain Inscrii)tioiis from Bressay, Shetland ; Musters lor North- umberlun<l in :>'Mi, from an original record in the Chapter House, Westminster, with an Index and Synopsis of Contents, ijy the late Rev. John Hodgson : — i'ipe Koll of let, 2nd, anil .'h-d of Edward 1., for Nortiuimberland, in contimiation of the .Scries published by the Rev. John HodgHon : with a Translation and Note-*. -Examination of Jiornley's Allocation of the Miscellaneous Notitia Stations in the North of longland. British A ur i i. ko Lor; ic a l Ahsociation. — Journal, No. ;i7, April, 111.') I Coiitiiits : On th<! Ancieiit Cain])H of tiio I'ppi-r V'af<l of Lanarkhhire, with Plans and other Hhis- tnitioiix, by ,Mr (i. Vere Irving; on the Atitiipiities of .Maidsloiie and the Polvchromy <il tiio Middle Ages, by Mr. J. Whichcord; On the Martyrdom of St 'I'lionias oVCanler- l»ury and oilier paintings discovrred at St. John's Church, Wiiiche^tir, with Ten Litliogrnphic I'luum. I'rocecdingH of the AsHociation, &.c. Sofir.TV or Antiquariks of Scotland. — Procceilings, Vol. I , I'nrt 2. Seveiity- tbir'l .'^eMNion, |!!.'>.'i .')4. Amongst (ho <-oiiiiiiiinicalions noiiccd are tin- billowing : — On ilir- Al.b. ( liiirrli of llolyi'ooil. milmi rpii iiilv lo the devastaliuiiu by the English