Page:Archaeological Journal, Volume 11.djvu/371

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RECENT HISTORICAL AND ARCHAEOLOGICAL PUBLICATIONS. 311 Hartlepool ; Newcastle-on-Tyne and Durham Cathedral. London : Longmans. 8vo. With Illustrations. Terra Lindisfarnensis. The National History of the Eastern Borders. By George Johnston, M.D. Kdin. LL.D. Vol. I. Topography and Botany. 8vo. The district to which the author's observations relate, includes Berwickshire, portions of Northumberland and Roxburghshire. The work comprises many notices of local traditions, usages, folk-lore, &c. Shropshire. — The Antiquities of Shropshire, comprising chiefly such materials as may serve to illustrate the history of the county during the first two centuries after the Norman Conquest. By the Rev. R. W. Eyton. In Quarterly Numbers. Royal 8vo. The first volume is now completed. Subscribers' names may be sent to Mr. Beddow, Shiffuall, or Mr. J. Russell Smith. Six Views of Ludlow, and its Castle, by H. B. Ziegler. Also, three large views of Ludlow Church, lithographed from drawings by Isaac Shaw, Esq. Ludlow : R. Jones. St.affordshire. — A History of Wednesbury, in the County of Stafford. Compiled from various sf)urces, ancient and modern, with an Account of the Coal and Iron Trade. Demy 8vo. Engravings and Pedigrees. London : J. Masters. Suffolk. — Proceedings of the Suffolk Institute of Archaeology, &c. Vol. II. No. 1. — Memoir on Hawsted Church, and the old Rectory House (with ground-plan) ; The Hall Place, Hawsted ; Hardwick House, and the Etruscan tomb, with a reclining eflSgy preserved there, &c. Architectural and Historical Account of the Church of St. Mary, Bury St. Edmunds ; comprising notices of the churches preT[ous to the present fabric ; of persons of note buried in the church, and of existing monumental memorials, &c. By Samuel Tymms, F.S.A. Bury: Jackson and Frost. London: Simpkin and Marshall. 4to. Lithographs and woodcuts. A Handbook of Bury St. Edmunds ; the ruins of the Abbey, Churches, ancient Hospitals, and sites of historical or antiquarian interest in the vicinity. By Samuel Tymms, F.S.A. Bury. r2mo. Sold by all booksellers. Wiltshire. — The Wiltshire Archteological and Natural History Magazine. Devizes: H. Bull. London: J. R. Smith, G. Bell. No. 2.; Manuscript Collections for Wilts, in the library of Sir T. Phillipps, Bart. ; Leland's Journey through Wiltshire, 1540 to 1542, with a Memoir and Illustrative Notes ; by the Rev. J. E. Jackson; Anglo-Saxon cemetery at Haruham Hill, near Salisbury, and Notices of tlie excavations recently made there by Mr. Akerman ; Wiltshire Notes and Queries, &c. With Illus- trations. Jivo. Worcestershire. — The Rambler in Worcestershire, or. Notes on Churches, &c. By John Noake, author of " Worcester in Olden Times." r2mo. This is the third and concluding volume of a survey of the churches of this county, to which the author has devoted nine years. Attention has not been exclusively addressed to Architectural features and to Ecclesiastical Antiquities in general; these Notes comprise Statistical information, and the results of personal observation regarding the condition of Parishes and Local Institutions. Yorkshire. — Reliquitc Antiquse Eboracenses, or. Remains of Antiquity, relating to the County of York, illustrated by Plates and ^^'oodcuts. By William Bowman, Leeds. To be coutinued quarterly. Part V. On the Southern frontier defences of the Brigantes and the Northumbrians, with a map; British Barrow at 'intringhani, opened by .Mr. James Wardell, in 1853 ; Tradesmen's Tokens relating to Yorkshire. 4to. Loudon: J. Russell Smith. Miscellanea Graphica ; a Collection of Ancient, Medieval, and Renaissance Remains in the possession of the Lord Londesborough. Illustrated by F. W. Fairholt, F.S.A. London: Chapman and Hall. To be completed in nine numbers, each containing four Plates, accompanied by an historical and descriptive treatise. Contents of No. 1.: Jewels of the XVIth century ; Decorative Vessels for the table ; Leathern Buckler from the Strawberry Hill Collection, XVIth century; Ivory Sceptre of Louis XII., from the Debruge Collection; Mirror-case and sculptured Ivory Box. No 2.: Jewels of the XVIth century, from the Debruge Collection, &c.; Nuremberg Drinking-cups of silver, in the lorin of animals; Heaume of the latter part of the Xllth century, similar to those of the time of Richard I.; Heaume of the time of Edward III., and another example VOL. XI. S S