Page:Archaeological Journal, Volume 11.djvu/487

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INDEX A. AcERRA. for incense, from Mayence, 53, 09. At;iiiis Dei, mould for, 180. Ainslie, Mr., antiquities e.hibited by, 410. Ai<erman, Mr., his remarks on Saxon situlaj, 5'2. Alabaster, tablet of, representing St. Thoma,s of Canterbury, 186. Allies, Mr., his accoimt of antiquities at Leckhanipton, 2.92 ; bronze head-piece found lb., 413. Amber, Saxon beatls of, 101—111 ; cinquc- cento shell-shaped ornament of, 206. Anchorites, notices of, 1,04. Axgi.o-Saxon Antiquities ; cemetery on Linton Heath, .51, 95 ; iron spears, in jMr. Bernhard Smith's collection, 284 ; spear and other remains found near Leckhampton, 292 ; bronze head-piece found ib., 293 ; found at Ash, 295. Arabic numerals, on a chalice, 72. Architecture ; lychnoscope.s in churches in Cornwall, 33 ; remains of Sa.xon work at Bishopstone, 60 ; account of Castel del Monte, in Apulia, 05 ; ar- rangement of chapels east of transepts, 136 ; cathedral at Drontheim restored, 180; ornamental brickwork at Laugh- ton Place, 190 ; in London, 2SG ; low side windows, possibly connected with anchorites' dwelling.s, 199 ; notice of " Architectural Studies in France," by Rev. J. L. Petit, 299 ; ancient church in Northumberland, 410. Armada, playing-cards representing scenes of, 180. Armlet, Roman, found at Wenden, 78 ; in Bucklersbury, 186 ; Saxon, at Linton Heath. 98 — 114 ; gold, found in Ire- land, 181. Armour and Arms, Roman, 89 ; Saxon, found at Linton Heath, 96 — 114; in Mr. Bernhard Smith'.s collection, 61, 81. 284 ; Oriental, 186 ; inventories of, at Dovor Castle, 381. Arrow-head, Swiss, 187 ; of horn, iron, &c., found at Bedford Castle, 295 ; at Blenheim Park, ib. ; forked, (6. of stone, 414. .Vstrolabe, presented to the British Museum, 31. Auditors, their Report, 192. B. Babington, Mr., his account of Uleybury, 328. Badges, enamelled, in British Museum, 31 ; Pelham badge of the buckle, 190. Banks, Rev. G., bronze weapons exhibited by, 414. Barrows, near the Maiden Way, 11 ; urns found in one at AUriston; one near Lewes excavated, 64 ; in Cambrid:;e- shire, examined by Hon. R. Neville, 211. Bartlett, Mr., exhibits a miniature Roman axe from Silchester, 57 ; porcelain seal found in Wilts, in his possession, 58 ; his account of horse-shoes found near Silbury, 65, 296. Bath, Roman coffins and remains found at, 289, 408. Beacons, on the northern frontier, 15. Beads, Saxon, of amber, crystal, and paste, 101-114. Bedford, Mr. D., his notices of pottery, tiles, &(•., found at Haberdashers' Hall, 72, 180 ; exhibits a MS. Antiphoner and service-books, 81. Bedfordshire : — enamelled ornaments found at Wardon Abbey, 30. Bell, inscription on one in Bedalechurch, 72. Bell, Captain, bronze head-piece and spear exhibited by, 413. Berkshire : — pottery found at Newbury, 30 ; notices of Uffington church, 147 ; flint celt found at Sunning Hill, 186. Bewcastle, Cumberland, account of, 1 25, 35 1 . Birch, Mr., communicates notices of ancient remains in Herefordshire, 55. Bishopstone, Sussex, ancient sun-dial there, 60. Blaauw, Mr., presents a cast from orna- mental brick- work in .'^u>sex, 190. 3k