Page:Archaeological Journal, Volume 29.djvu/174

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Ill THE MUNIMENTS 01- THE ABBEY OF WESTMINSTER. the Hospital of St. James in the Fourteenth century, com- prising incjuiries as to the misconduct of the master and brethren, the finding of a jury, and penances imposed, and injunctions for the future rcguhition of the hospitah As to "iSt. Stej)henV' there arc many proceedings in disputes between the Abbot and the dean ; letters from the king ; appeals to Rome ; articles " ]iour nourrir amour pees et tranquilHtc between them, and a settlement of the disputes, chiefly of the time of Richard II. Among the more modern papers are ^Ir. llawkesmore's report on the works in pro- gress at the Abbey in 173.'3, '* being a defence of the style of his works, prefaced by an Essay on Gothic Architecture/' Under " Eye, Eyebury," is the following letter from John of Gaunt to the Abbot of Westminster, desiring to have the use of the manor-house of Neytc (Eye), the Abbot's favourite country house, where Litlington and Islip died, for his resi- dence during Parliament. Letter of John of Gaunt to the Abbot of Westminster. Depak le Roy de Castii.i.e et de Leon Due de Lanca.stke. Trescher en dieu et nostre tres-bien ame. Nous vous salvons tres-sovent. Et porce que nous sumes comandez par nostre tres-redoute seigneur lo Roy pour vcnir a cost son prochein Parlement a Westnionster, et que nous y duissons cstre en ])roprc person, toutes autres choses lessees, en cidc et sccoui- dil i-oialme Dengleterre, et sutnes un(|ore tout destitut de lieu coveiialilu j)Our nous et nostre houstell pour le (lit Parlement, vous prions tres-chrremcnt et do cuer que vous nous vcullez sulVrcr boncnu'iit j)()ur avoir vostre manoir del Neyt, pour la demoere do nous et do nostre dit housl«d durant le Parlement susdit. En quele chose fesant ires cher cu di«u et nostra tres-bien ame vous nous ferrez bieii graunt ease et jilesaunce, jiaront nous vous volonis cspcciahnent bon grce savoir et par tant faire autre foiz pfiiir vous et a vostre reipK'st chose agreable do rcson. l'!t nostre seigneur <bcux vous cit louz joui's en sa tres seinte garde. Donne souz nostre prive ^cal a Norbouiiio v xxvii ji^u- do S<'pf'inljre.