Page:Archaeological Journal, Volume 3.djvu/51

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fifth in a ditch near Reyhole, county Clare[1]; a sixth in a bog, county Tyrone[2]; a seventh in a bog at Castlereagh[3]; another, which, through the kindness of Major Moore, I was enabled to lay before the Committee of the Institute, was procured by him in Dublin; a ninth at Ardragh, county Donegal; a tenth at Penwith, in Cornwall, weighing 2 oz. 4dwts. 6grs.[4]; and an eleventh in a circular earthwork near Penzance, in the parish of Madden, Cornwall, weighing 4 oz. 4 dwts.[5] Of those found in France the most remarkable is that edited by Caumont and Gerville, already noticed, found at St. Ayr, near Cotentin, in Normandy, between Alauna and the Roman camp at Montebourg[6]. Two others were found east of Mont Roule, in ground said to be evidently Roman; and two other plain collars of gold, without ornament, at Tourlaville[7]. The weight of these collars is generally about two ounces.

Archaeological Journal, Volume 3, 0051.png

Gorget Clasp.

The varieties of this type are—1. the iodhan morain, which more resembles the corslet from Mold, and which weighed only 22 grs., with raised bosses in grooves, and deep grooved pattern, with radiated central cups, seven-eighths in diameter; and 2. the crescent wanting the circular ends, called the cead raire.

In immediate connection with these are two gold ornaments found in Ireland, and now in the British Museum, rather more heart-shaped than any of the preceding. These are about large enough to pass over a child's wrist, and the ends join at a. They may possibly have been used for the garment or the shoes[8], both being occasionally attached by

  1. Gough, Camden, vol. iv. pl. x. p. 230.
  2. Campbell, Philosoph. Survey of Ireland.
  3. Dubourdieu, Survey of Down, p. 331.
  4. Minutes of Soc. of Antiq., 1783, Gough loc. cit., now in British Museum, Add. 9462, and a drawing, Cat. MSS. fol. 8*.
  5. Now in the British Museum. Lysons' Magn. Britannia, vol. ii. pl. ccxxi. Cat. MSS. Add. 9462. fo. 8, b, for a drawing.
  6. Cours d'Archéol., pl. x. p. 4. Mém. de la Société des Antiq. de Normandie, 1827—1828, p. 275.
  7. Mém. de la Soc. des Antiq. de Normandie, p. 275.
  8. For the shoes being so fastened see Maen de Ring, Etablissemens Celtiques dans la Sudouest Allemagne, 8vo. Fribourg, 1842.