Page:Archaeological Journal, Volume 5.djvu/347

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THE a rci) a col osteal 3(ouvnaL DECEMBER, 1848. ON THE SEPULCHRAL SLABS EXISTING IN THE COUNTIES OF NORTHUMBERLAND AND DURHAM. The numerous grave-stones and monumental slabs of early date, scattered over the remote parishes of Northumberland and Durham, have as yet attracted but very little notice, though many are deserving of attention from the beauty of the designs cut upon them, or from the remarkable symbols (hat they })resent. From the abundance of freestone in both of the above counties, such slabs were no doubt preferred to the more i)erishable material of wood. AA e believe that the same has been observed in all the English parishes situated in mountainous districts. Every year, during the repairing of some one or other of the old churches in this district, a few of these ancient grave- stones are brought to light, but too frequently, from ignorance or neglect, they are lost, or are used in the reconstruction of the walls. They are frequent in the walls of churches of Decorated and Perpendicidar date, being often placed above the whidovvs, or as window sills, or again they lie as steps in the i)orches, or are built up, as at Lanchestei", in the belfry tower. For some years it has been my practice to make rubbings of these slabs wherever I chanced to meet with them, as every year some are destroyed or lost, or are becoming rapidly ob- literated. There cannot, I think, be less than a hundred or a hundred and twenty of these slabs, mutilated and entire, in Northumberland alone, while Durham will supply at least fifty, and Cumberland ])erha})s an equal, if not a greater number. The ruljbings already made amount to nearly ninety, and I have drawings of majiy others, but ex})crience has taught me that many sketches may resemble the originals, without being accurate and faithful copies. Many of these slabs present in- teresting symbols, besides the beauty of the form of the cross VOL. V. x^ 1