Page:Archaeological Journal, Volume 7.djvu/35

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ments are so singed and blackened, that it has been with the utmost difficulty, and only with the aid of a magnifying glass, and by holding the pages in different lights, that I have been able to make out the lines of the figures; whereas, the beautiful ornamental borders are more easily determined by the colours, which have better withstood the action of the fire. These I have omitted copying, as they are in the ordinary style of the ribbon and diagonal patterns.

Archaeological Journal, Volume 7, 0035.png

David and Goliath.

The first of these drawings represents the combat between David and Goliath, the former of whom holds in his left hand his shepherd's staff, terminated appropriately in a dog's head, whilst in his right hand, suspended from the little finger, he holds one end of his sling, from which he has just discharged