Page:Archaeological Journal, Volume 7.djvu/571

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INDEX. 428 Malvern, Great, Britifsh urn found, 67 ; ex- cavation of site of Lady Chapel, 70 ; painted glass, 298. — Little, deeds relative to, 88. Mantell, Dr., exhibits a gold ring from Flodden, 72 ; his remarks on sepulchral remains in Cambridgeshire, 296 ; his memoir on Connexion between archae- ology and geology, 327. Marathon, flint arrow-heads found at, 86. Marguerite d'Anjou, letter from, with a fac- simile of her signature, 168. Ma.rv, Queen of England, enamelled por- 'trait of, 198. Mary, Queen of Scots, her signet ring, 402. Masons' marks, at Catterick Biidge, 62 ; at New Shoreham. 390. Medal, for coronation of Charles L, 90; presented to Admiral Penn, 306. Meetings of the Institute, 64, 172, 296, 384 ; Annual London Meeting, 198 ; Oxford Meeting, 307. Mexico, gold idols and oi-naments from, 179. Meyrick, Rev. E., exhibits drawings of Wiltshire antiquities, 399. Middlesex. Arabic numerals at Monkcn Hadley, cast of, presented, 77. MiLWARD, Mr., notices of documents at Malta, 369. Mines, ancient, in N. Wales, 68 ; in Caer- marthenshire, 173. Monmouth, account of tumulus near, 188. Monuments, sepulchral, — incised slabs on the Continent, 48 ; at Boston, 54 ; tomb of Prior Basyng, Winchester, 181 ; slabs at Playden and Hastings, 189 ; at Sawley Abbey, 196. Morgan, Mr. 0., exhibits Limoges and Chi- nese enamels, 89, 197 ; wooden cujis of unknown use, 298. Mosaics, at Cirencester, noticed, 69, 77 ; at Pau, in France, 174, 386. Moustachio, curious representation of, 24. Mummy, Egyptian, in Lord Londes- borough's Collection, 273. Murphy, Mr., Chinese seal from Ireland, exhibited by, 403. N. Naughten, Mr., Scottish relics exhibited by, 402. Nelson, Rev. G. M., ring exhibited by, 402. Nesbitt, Mr. A., notices of Mere, Somerset, 175; of sepulchral slabs at Playden and Hastings, 189 ; of sepulchral brass at Bruges, 189. Neville, Hon. R., tesserae in his museum, 71 ; exhibits fil)ulfe from Ashendon, 72, 87 ; intaglio found at Chesterford, 77 ; bronze antiquities found in Bucks, 83 ; urns from Chesterford, 139 ; Roman and Medieval rings, 195 ; drawings of villa at Hadstock exhibited by, 389 ; account of the same, 393. Newmarch, Mr., his account of Mosaics at Cirencester, 77 ; his work on Corinium noticed, 409. Newton Solney, effigies at, 360. Nicholson, Rev. Dr., notice of restorations at St. Alban's Abbev Church, 86. — Mr. W. A., account of liand- bricks from Lincolnshire, 69. Nightingale, Mr. J., exhibits azuleios and terra-cottas, 303. Norfolk. Account of tumuli at Oxburgh, 34 ; at Burnham Deepdale, 35 ; British vil- lage near Yarmouth, 82 ; tumuli near Cromer, 190; near Holt, 392. Northumberland, the Duke of, exhibits Egyptian relics from Gloucestershire. 173, 182 ; gold rings from Corbridge, Warkworth, &c., 191. Northamptonshire Architectural Society, their publications, 215. Numerals, Arabic, examples of their use in England, 75, 85, 303. 0. Oculists, Roman, notices of their stamps, found in Ireland, 354 ; at Cirencester, 357; at Wroxeter, 358 ; in the British Museum, 359. Oldham, Mr., notices of urns, &c., found at Chesterford, 82, 139. Oliver, Rev. Dr., memoir on Exeter Castle, 128. Ormond, the Earl of, correspondence with. t. Hen. YL 170. Ouvry, Mr. F., presents a cast of Arabic numerals at Hadley, 77. Oxford, Report of meeting at, 307. P. Paalstav, Icelandic, 74. Padstow, Cornwall, antiquities found at, 403. Painting, mural, at St. Albans, 86 ; at Cholsworth, Berks, 87 ; at South Elm- ham, 297 ; at Beddington, 298. Palimpsest, on painted glass, in Wales, 395. Palmer, Mr. C, exhibits gold rider of James I., 90.