Page:Archaeological Journal, Volume 7.djvu/582

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ARCHAEOLOGICAL INSTITUTE. Deighton, John, Esq., Cambridge. De la Bcche, Sir Henry, F.R.S., Craig's-coiirt. Delagarde, Philip C, Esq., Exeter. Delamotte, A. H., Esq., Sandhurst. Delamotte, Philip H., Esq., 14, Queen's- ter- race, Bayswater. Delme, H. P., Esq., Fareham. Dennis, Rev. S., Stoke Damerel, Devonport. Devas, Thos., Esq., Dulwich. D'Eyncourt, Rt. Hou. Chas. Tennyson, P. C, M.P., Bayons Manor, Liucolnshu-e. Dickens, C. S., Esq., Coolhurst, Horsham. Dickenson, W. B., Esq., Leamington. Dickinson, Frs. H. Esq., 8, Upper Harley-st. Dickson, William, Esq., Alnwick. Digby, Capt. J., R.N., 15, Nottingham-street. Dilke, C. W., Esq, B.C.L., 7, Lower Grosvenor-place. DJsney, J., Esq., F.S.A., the Hyde, Ingate- stone. Dixon, J. B., Esq., Crescent-place, Burton- crescent. Dodd, Samuel., Esq., Kentish Town. DoUmau, F. T., Esq., Mornington-place. Dolman, Mr. C, 61, New Bond-street. Donkin, A., Esq., Newcastle-upon-Tyne. Donthorn, W. S., Esq., Hanover-street. Douglas, Rev. W. F., Skrayingham. Douglas, Clement, Esq., 1, Lancaster- place. Strand. Dowdeswell, W., Esq., M.P., Tewkesbury. Drewe, Edward S.,Esq., the Grange, Honiton. Druitt, Robert, Esq., 89a, Curzon-street. Di'ury, Rev. C, F.S.A., Pontesbury, Salop. Duckett, Sir George, Bart., F.S.A. Duke, Rev. Edward, Lalce House, Sarum. Duncan, P. B., Esq., M.A., Oxford. Dundas, Colonel, C. B , F.S.A., Inspector of Artillery, Woolwich. Du Noyer, Gcoi'ge V., Esq., Gt. Brunswick- street, Dublin. Dury, John, Esq., Harrowgate. Dusautoy, Rev. W. Stevens, Royal Military Asylum, Chelsea. Dwarris, Sir Fortunatus, 5, James-street, Buckingham Gate. Dyke, Thomas, Esq., Monmouth. Dyke, Rev. W., Jesus College, Oxford. Dykes, W. Hey, Esq., Monkgate, York. Dyson, Rev. F., Salisbury, N. & S. Tid worth. En.NISKILLEN, THE EaRL OF Eastnor, the Viscount, 45, Grosvenor-place. Edwards, E., Esq., Britisli Museum. Edwards, Wm., Esq , Louth, Lincolnshii'e. Egerton, Sir Philip de Malpas Grey,Bart., M.P. Ellacombe, Rev. H. T., St. George's Clist, Devon. Ellis, Edward, Esq., General Post Office. Elstead, W. P., Esq., Dover. Ely, Very Rev. the Dean of. Elwes, D. C. C, Esq., Brigg, Lincoln. Empson, A. I., Esq., Boroughbridge. Erie, Sir William, 4, Park-crescent, Erskine, Right Hon. Thomas, Lincohi's-inn. Espinasse, James, Esq., Recorder of Roches- ter, Gray's-inn. Espinasse, J. W., Esq., 12th Regt., Weedon. Eyre, Very Rev. Monsignor C, Newcastle- upon-Tyne, Exeter, Very Rev. the Dean of. Fane, Rev. Arthur, Vicarage, Wanninster. Fau'less, Mr. Jos., Hexham. Parish, James, Esq., Lancaster-place, Strand, Farrer, Henry, Esq., Wardour-street, Falkner, Richard, Esq., Devizes, Falkner, T. A., Esq., M.A., Manningford Pewsey, Wilts. Faulkner, C, Esq., F.G.S., Deddington. Fawcett, Rev. J.,M.A., Bradford, Yorkshire. Fearon, Rev. W. H., Hunstanton, near Lynn, Feathcrstonhaugh, Rev. W., Ovingham. Ferrand, Mrs., St. Ives, Bingwell. Ferrey, Benj ., Esq., Trinity-pl., Charing-cross. Few, Robert, Esq., 3, Henrietta-street, Ffoulkcs, W. Wynne, Esq., 4, Middle Temple- lane. Fielding, Copley, Esq., 56, Charlotte-street, Poi'tland-placc. Fielding, Rev. Henry, Salmonby, Horncastle. Figg, William, Esq., Lowes. Fisher, Very Rev. Mons. C. L., Brignorth. Fisher, J. G., Esq., Great Yarmouth. Fisher, Richard, Esq., 35, Quocn's-square. Fitch, Robert, Esq., F.G.S., Norwich. Fleming, J. Esq., Stoneham Park, Hants. Fletcher, Rev. W., D.D., Wimbomc, Dorset, Fletcher, T. W., Esq., F.R.S., F.S. A., Dudley. Ford, Richard, Esq., 123, Park-st.,Grosvenor- squai-e. Fosbery, Rev. T. V., Sunning Hill., Edw., Esq., F.S.A., Canterbury. Fostei", Geo. E., Esq., Cambridge.