Page:Archaeological Journal, Volume 7.djvu/8

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  1. Notices of Foreign Sepulchral Brasses
  1. Albert Way
  1. ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
  1. G. A. Mantell, Esq. L.D.
  1. Materials employed in Roman Mosaics
  1. Professor Buckman
  1. Notice of a Roman Oculist's Stamp found in
  1. Albert Way
  1. Monumental Effigies of the de Sulneys
  1. J. Hewitt
  1. Notice of the Public Records in Malta
  1. A. Milward
Original Documents:—
  1. Contract for building Catterick Bridge, communicated by Sir W. Lawson, Bart.
  1. Remarks on the Catterick Contract, by E. J. Willson
  1. ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
  1. Letters of Margaret d'Anjou and Prince Edward, in the Archives at Paris, communicated by Mrs. Everett Green
  1. Inquest, illustrative of the Ancient Condition of Winchester, by Edward Smirke
  1. Proceedings at the Meetings of the Institute
    64, 172, 296, 384
  1. Annual London Meeting, and Auditors' Report
  1. Notice of the Annual Meeting at Oxford
  1. Notices of Archaeological Publications:—Original Papers, published by the Norfolk Archaeological Society, 1850, p. 90. Decorated Window Tracery, and Series of Illustrations, by Edmund Sharpe, p. 93. Description of Roman Building at Caerleon, by John E. Lee, p. 97. Proceedings of Historic Society of Lancashire and Cheshire, p. 99. Primeval Antiquities of Denmark, by Worsaae, translated by Mr. Thorns, p. 101. Antiquities of Iona, by H. D. Graham, p. 105. Introduction to Study of Gothic Architecture, by John Henry Parker. Ecclesiastical and Architectural Topography of England—Diocese of Oxford, p. 202. Inquiry into the Succession of Styles of Architecture in France, by T. Inkersley, p. 208. Collections towards a History of Pottery and Porcelain, by Joseph Marryat, p. 209. Sussex Archaeological Collections, Vol. III., p. 321. Emblems of Saints, by the Very Rev. F. C. Husenbeth, p. 324. Die Burg Tannenberg und ihre Ausgrabungen, von Dr. J. von Hefner, p. 404. Remarks on the Architecture of Llandaff Cathedral, by E. A. Freeman, Esq., p. 405. Porcelain Seals discovered in Ireland, by E. Getty, Esq., p. 407. Illustrations of Roman Art in Cirencester, by Professor Buckman and C. Newmarch, Esq., p. 409.
  1. Archaeological Intelligence
    107, 213, 413
  1. Miscellaneous Notices
    110, 214, 326, 415