Page:Archaeological Journal, Volume 8.djvu/293

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FROM JANUARY 1, TO DECEMBER :il, IsjO. EXPENDITURE. House Expenses, viz : — House Rent ..... Secretary's Salary, three-quarters of year Furniture ..... Stationery ..... Advertising . ... Publication accounts, viz. : — Printing ...... Lithographs and Maps . Artists and Engravers Library account, viz. : — Purchase of BooliS, and Binding Miscellaneous Expenditure per Petty Cash : — Housekeeper's Wages Messenger's ditto .... Postage ...... Stationeiy ...... Advertising ..... Gratuities ...... Booking Parcels .... Post Office Orders .... Lighting, Gas, Carpenter for packing-cases for objects exhibited, &c., Duty on Foreign books, and small Office-Expenses . Petty Cash in hand, December 31st, 185U Balance at Bank, December, 31st, 1850 Ditto in hand of Secretary . . . • £ s. d. 1(J0 11-^ 10 ^9 3 9 4 10 1 14 331 11

114 19 8 240 11 G . 25 16 10 . 18 8 •j . 9 2 9 5 9 G G 18 G 1 4

2 19 11 1 3 3 312 1 1 10 693 2 2 19 15 6 15 4 5 3 12 6 90

81 16

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