Page:Archaeological Journal, Volume 8.djvu/309

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arcftaealocyicnl Un^titutcof 0vtnt Britain antr ^relanti. ANNUAL MEETING, BRISTOL, 1851. IPatrons. HIS GRACE THE DUKE OF BEAUFORT, K.G., High Steward of the City of Bristol. THE RIGHT REV. THE LORD BISHOP OF GLOUCESTER AND BRISTOL. THE HON, AND RIGHT REV. THE LORD BISHOP OF BATH AND WELLS. IPrestUent. JOHN SCANDRETT HARFORD, Esq., D.C.L., F.R.S., President of the Canynges Society, and of the IJristol and West of England Arcliit. Soc. ^Prcs(Ocnts of Sections. History.— UK'SnY IIALLAM, Esq., D.C.L., F.R.S., F.S.A. Antiquities.— THE RIGHT HON. LORD TALBOT DE MALAIIIDE, M.R.I.A. Architecture.— J AUES HEY WOOD MARKLAND, Esq., D.C.L., F.R.S., F.S.A. GENERAL PROGRAMME OF PROCEEDINGS. Tuesday, July 29.^Reception Room at the Council House. — Introductory Meeting at 12, at the Guildhall, by permission of the Right Worshipful the Mayor. — Resig- nation of the President's Chair by the Lord Talbot de Malahidc to John Scandrett Harford, Esq., President Elect. — The Regalia and Muniments of the Corporation will be displayed in the Council Chamber. — Visits to the Cathedral, Churches, and objects of interest in or near Bristol. — The Museum of the Institute will be opened at the Bishop's College, Park street. — Meeting and Conversazione in the evening at the Institution, Park Street, at Eight. Wednesday, July 30. — Meetings of Sections at ten. — The Histoncal section will assemble in the Theatre of the Bristol Institution, Park street. — The Architectural section in the Chapter House of the Cathedral, by permission of the Dean and Chapter. — At two o'clock a visit is proposed to St. Miuy Redcliffe Church, when the striking features of that stnicture, and the progi-ess of its Restoration will be pointed out by George Godwin, Esq. — Meeting of the Section of Antiquities in the evening, at the Bristol Institution, Park Street. Thursday, July 31.— Sectional Meetings at Ten. — Annual celebration of the Canynges Society, at St. Mary Redcliffe Church, at Two.— The membei-s of that society will join the membei-s and visitors at the Public Dinner of the Institute at the Victoria Rooms, Clifton, at Six; J. S. Harford, Esq., the President of both Societies, in the chair; Ladies are especially requested to honour this joint banquet with their presence. — Conversazione in the Evening. Friday, August 1.— Excursion to Wells.— Professor Willis will discourse on the architectural history of the Cathedral. Saturday, August 2.— Sectional Meetmgs at Ten.— Short Excureions to objects of interest near Bristol.