Page:Archaeological Journal, Volume 8.djvu/400

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304 KNIGHTLY EFFIGIES AT SANDWICH AND ASH. manuscripts offer abundant examples ; see, for instance, Rl. MSS., 14, E. IIL, and 2, B. VII. The Louterell Psalter affords a fine specimen, copied in Carter's Sculpture and Painting, and in the Vetusta Monumenta. French monu- mental examples, we learn from M. Allou, are very scarce : " L'accessoire qui nous occupe est fort rare dans les monu- ments fran^ais. Nous en trouvons des exemples dans les dessins qui nous ont ete communiques par M. Achille Deville, des pierres sepulchrales de Robert Duplessis, 1322, de Robert d'Estouteville, 1331, et de Jean de Lorraine, Due de Brabant, 1341." {Mem. de la Soc. des Antiq. de France, vol. xiii., p. 339.) The forms of the ailette are various : the most frequent is the square. The round occurs on the ivory casket enoraved in the fourth volume of the Journal of the Archa)o- o Association logical see also Plates 113 and 114 of Carter's Sculpture and Paint- ing : the pentagonal is seen in an illumination of Sloane MS, 3983, engraved as the frontis- piece to Strutt's Dress and Habits : the cruciform, in that curious figure of a kneeling knight in Rl. MS. 2, A. XXIL,fol. 219, figured by Strutt and by Shaw : and on fol 94^ of Rl. MS., 14, E. III., is an example, the only one ever observed by the writer, of a lozenge-formed ailette. (See cut.) It is clear, from the cross on the shield having the same posi- tion as the other, that the ailette is not a square one worn askew. The size of this appendage differs greatly in different monuments : in the round example of the ivory casket, cited above, it is scarcely larger than the palm of the hand ; while in an illumination of Rl. MS., 20, D. 1 (fol. 18^0, it is nearly as large as the ordinary shield of the period. Its position is generally behind the shoulder or at the side of it, sometimes in front ; but too strict an interpretation must not be given to the rude memorials of these times.