Page:Archaeological Journal, Volume 9.djvu/244

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18a ORIGINAL DOCUMENTS. Noverint universl per presentes nos, Richardum, Abbatem domus, et monasterii beate Marie et sancti Kenelmi regis et niartjris de Winchel- cuniba, in comitatu Glowcestrie, et ejusdcm loci conventum, unanimi nostris asscnsu, consensu pariterque, et voluntate toeius capltuli nostri, teneri et firmiter obligari Willelmo Mownslowe marcero Londonie in ducentis marcis sterlingorum, solvendis eidem Willelmo, aut suo certo attornato, aut exe- cutoribus suis, ad festum omnium sanctorum proxime futurum. Ad quam quidem solucionem bene et fideliter faciendum ego, predictus Ricbardus Abbas, et Conventus, obligo me et successores meos per presentes. In cujus rei testimonium presentibus sigillum nostrum commune apposuimus. Datum in domo nostra capitulari, decimo septimo die mensis Octobris. Anno regni Regis Henrici octavi vicesimo nono. [1537]. Ita est ego Ricbardus Ancelmus, Abbas, ' propria manu, Ita est ego Johannes Augustinus, prior, propria manu. Ita est Willelmus Omersley. Per me Jobannem Gabrielem. Per me Richardum Angelum. Per me Willelmum Maurum. Per me Willelmum Overbury. Per me Hugonem Egwinum. Per me Ricardum Barnardum. Per me Ricardum Martinum. Per me Georgium Leonardum. Per me Jobannem Antbonium.^ Per me Gulielmum Hieronjmum. Per me Christoferum Benedictum. Per me Walterum Aldelmum. Per me Richardum Michahelem. Per me Willelmum Kenel- mum. Per me Ricardum Ambrosium. The condjcyon off thys oblygacyon ys suche y* yff y^ a bowe bownden Abbott and conuent and hys successours doo suffre and cause to be done euery suche thyng and thyngys, act and actys, as schall be deuysyd or aduj'syd from tyme to tyme by the cownsell lernyd yn the lawe off the abowe namyd Wyllyam Mownslowe, hys eyrys and assygnes, for a suer and perfytt assurans yn the lawe to be hadde and made to the same Wyllyam Mownslowe, hys eyrys and assygnes, att the costys and chargys yn the lawe off the a-bowe bownden Abbott and hys successors, oft' and for one messuage or tenement with hys appurtenauncys, wharfys or kayys, gardens, and off all other howsys, landys, rentys, and tenementys, whatt soeuer, off whyche the a-bowe bowndene Abbott att the makyng off these presentys ys seasyd yn the ryghtt off hys bowse and monastery, a-bowe namyd, ya the citie off London, and withyn the paryshe off saynt Brydys yn the subbarbys off the same citie. And also yff the a-bowe bownden Abbott and Convent, and hys successours, doo suffi-e the same Wyllyam Mowns- lowe, hys eyrys and assygnes, quyetly, lawfully and peaseble to enjoy the same messuage or tenement, with all other the preniyssys, as ys a- fore sayd, with owtt lett, dyssesine, dysturbans and ynterrupcyon off the sayd Abbott and off hys successors, or any other by hys or their procurment, assent, commaundmcnt or aggrement, and further dyschargyd off all former bargayncs, salys, lesys, promysys, grawntys, chargys and yncum- berauncys whatsoeucr, y* then thys present oblygacyon to be woyde, or else to stande yn hys full force and wertue. (Seal apparently affixed on a slip of the same parchment, cut about two- thirds of the breadth, at foot of the bond ; the seal now torn away.) It must have been noticed by many readers, who may have investigated subjects connected with the history of monasteries, how frequently, for example in the lists of the Principals of Houses, and of Pensions remaining ' Tlie word ahhas, as likewise prior, after the succeeding signature, is an inter- lineation, but Hccmingly contemporary with the signature. " Interlineation in darker ink, above the last-mentioned name.