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and glass windows were more plentiful than in London. All the land from the Eastern Branch to Rock Creek, and much above the creek, was a close succession of well-cultivated farms, orchards, vineyards, and gardens. The land along the river too moist for cultivation was an expanse of green meadows. Morgania was considerably larger and more flourishing than Mortonia. The new governor never went beyond Morgania, and never learned the greatness of the civilized communities which stretched far down the Ohio.

The system of government of Aristopia required of its chief executive little action in the way of ruling. He was rather the chief clerk of a business bureau than a ruler. Thus, while the royalist governor imagined he was governing the colony, the work of this bureau went on without any reference to him. At last, finding that no attention was paid to his edicts, he began to bluster and threaten. Then the real head of the commonwealth, the venerable Governor Morton, ordered several thousand of the well-drilled militia of Aristopia to Morgania and displayed them before the nominal ruler. It was then suggested to Arundel that he could probably rule Aristopia much better through