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ware. Re-embarking, they went up to Trenton, where they again landed and marched across New Jersey to Paulus Hook, opposite New York city.

Embarking again, the expedition passed through Hell Gate into Long Island Sound, and so on to Providence. There they landed and marched to Boston.

They approached the Puritan city on the morning of the seventeenth of June. From a distance they heard the heavy booming of the cannon. They supposed it was only the British vessels bombarding the patriot fortifications. But as the Aristopians approached nearer they heard the sharp rattle of musketry, and knew that a battle was in progress. The sound quickened and lengthened their pace. Already their commander, General Morton, a greatgrandson of Ralph Morton, had received a dispatch from General Putnam, informing him that the British were making a stubborn attack on the works of the Americans, and directing his march to Charlestown Neck.

The Aristopians received the order, "Doublequick march!" On went the long column at a trot, to the shrill, lively strains of "Yankee Doodle," from such of the panting fifers as