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generally married, and remarkable for the parsimonious care of their money, most of them keeping regular accounts with some banker or slop-seller whilst they were at sea." — "If that be so," said Morven, "Your sailors could never fight like ours." — I took fire at this, (the only excuse perhaps for what follows) — "A British sailor," I replied, (trembling with indignation,) " a British sailor, Sir, would fight with the devil, and in the service of his country would enter hell itself to seek him out." — The admiral, whose jealous feelings did not extend to another world, shook hands with me most heartily, and after a few more bottles, I took my leave.

My young companion at the same time called for his carriage, and we set out by moon-light on our return. As we went along, he asked me, "how I had — I can-